Page:Index to Trans. N.Z. Inst. 1to40.djvu/52

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Chips from an Ancient Maori Workshop (G. Mair), 35, 240.
Civilisation, Old Maori (E. Tregear), 26, 533.
Colour-sense of the Maori (J. W. Stack), 12, 153.
Colour-sense of the Maoris (W. Colenso), 14, 49; 477.
Conversion and Civilisation of the Maoris in the South Island of N.Z. (J. F. H. Wohlers), 14, 123.
Cooking-places at Mouth of Shag River (F. W. Hutton), 8, 103.
Cooking-places at Mouth of Shag River: Observations on Captain Hutton's Paper (J. von Haast), 9, 670.
Diversions of the Whare Tapere: Some Account of the various Games, &c., of the Maori (E. Best), 34, 34.
Drawings, Maori, in Takiroa Caves, Waitaki Valley (W. D. B. Mantell), 1, 18 [2nd ed., 6].
Dredges (Roukakahi and Hao)(A. K. Newman), 37, 138.
Earthwork Fortification (T. White), 32, 398.
Eel-god, Stone-carved Wooden Image of a (A. K. Newman), 38, 130.
Eschatology: The Whare Potae (House of Mourning) and its Lore; also some Account of Native Belief in a Spiritual World (E. Best), 38, 148.
Extinction of the Maori, Study of the Causes leading to the (A. K. Newman), 14, 459.
Fire-drill (supposed) found in the Cave at Moa-bone Point, Sumner (F. W. Hutton), 26, 516.
Flax Mats found in Otago, Old (A. Hamilton), 25, 486.
Flute, Curious, in the Collection of the late Dr. Shortland (W. L. Buller), 26, 568.
Forest Lore: being some Account of Native Forest Lore and Woodcraft (E. Best), 40, 185.
Greenstone: did the Maori discover it? (J. Rutland), 30, 29.
Greenstone, The Working of, by the Maoris (F. R. Chapman), 24, 479.
Historical Incidents and Traditions of the East Coast Tribes (W. Colenso), 13, 38; 14, 3.
Historical Traditions of Taupo and East Coast Tribes (S. Locke), 15, 433.
Historic Maori Personages (T. W. Downes), 38, 120.
Implement, Remarkable, in Hunterian Museum, Glasgow (W. L. Buller), 26, 570.
Implements and Weapons (T. H. Smith), 26, 423.
Implements discovered at Takaka, Nelson (R. I. Kingsley), 25, 494.
Implements of Uncommon Design (T. W. Kirk), 22, 539.
Kahui Tipua, Remarks on Mr. M. Cameron's Theory respecting the (J. W. Stack), 12, 159.
Kete discovered at Upper Taieri (A. Hamilton), 29, 174.
Kokowai, Maori Method of preparing and using (P. Walsh), 36, 4.
Korotangi, Carved Stone Bird (J. von Haast), 14, 104.
Korotangi, or Stone Bird (Major Wilson), 22, 499.
Lake Pas, N.Z. (R. Taylor), 5, 101.
Literature in N.Z., Beginnings of—Maori Section (T. M. Hocken), 33, 472.
Magic (E. Best), 34, 69.
Mahori or Maori Migrations, Stray Thoughts on (R. C. Barstow), 9, 229.
Manawatu Block, Early Native Records of (P. E. Baldwin), 38, 1.
Maori House, Colonial Museum, Description of (Tareha), 1, 41 [2nd ed., 445].
Maori House, Christchurch Museum (J. W. Stack), 8, 172.
Maori in Asia (E. Tregear), 18, 3.
Maori Race, Contributions towards a Better Knowledge of the (W. Colenso), 11, 77; 12, 108; 13, 57; 14, 53.
Maori Race, Hand-list of certain Papers relating to the (A. Hamilton), 33, 515.
Maori Races of N.Z. (W. Colenso), 1 (independently paginated) [2nd ed., 339].
Maori Races, Probable Origin of the (W. S. W. Vaux), 8, 3.
Maori Races, Short Sketch of (E. Shortland), 1 (independently paginated) [2nd ed., 329].
Maori Remains, Some Peculiar; with Remarks on Tapu (W. L. Buller), 27, 148.
Maoris To-day and To-morrow (H. Hill), 29, 150; 35, 109.
Marriage Customs, Maori (E. Best), 36, 14.
Maru-iwi walk over Glenshea Cliff at Night, The Fleeing (T. White), 32, 363.
Maupuia Pa, Miramar, The Site of (H. N. McLeod), 37, 171.
Medical Lore (W. H. Goldie), 37, 1.
Middens, Maori, at Wainui, Poverty Bay (F. Hutchinson, jun.), 30, 533.
Mythology and Traditions (J. F. H. Wohlers), 7, 3; 8, 108.
Necklaces, Maori (A. Hamilton), 25, 491.
Nomenclature, Maori (T. H. Smith), 25, 395.
Origins, Maori (E. Best), 32, 294; 33, 467.
Osteology of Aborigines of N.Z. and of the Chatham Islands (J. H. Scott), 26, 1.
Otakanini Pa, Kaipara, History of (S. P. Smith), 28, 41.
Pa at Lake Te Anau (T. White), 26, 513.
Papaitonga, Story of; or, A Page of Maori History (W. L. Buller), 26, 572.
Passing of the Maori: an Inquiry into the Principal Causes of the Decay of the Race (P. Walsh), 40, 154.
Place-names, Maori: with Special Reference to the Great Lakes and Mountains of the South Island (J. Cowan), 38, 113.
Port Nicholson and the Natives in 1839 (C. Heaphy), 12, 32.
Preserved Heads (P. Walsh), 27, 610.
Projectile Weapons, Ignorance of the Ancient New-Zealander of the Use of (W. Colenso), 11, 106.
Projectile Weapons, Ignorance of Ancient New-Zealander of Use of (C. Phillips), 12, 50.
Proverbs (T. H. Smith), 22, 111.
Rahui, The Ceremony of (T. White), 28, 54; 32, 352.