Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/86

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74 GILBERT ,LA TER (8) Number of cultivating landowners. (4) Number of non-cultivating landowners and their respective occupations. (5) Number of tenants who own no land. (6) Agricultural workers who neither own nor rent land. (7) Areas of holdings according to ownership. (8) Areas of 'holdings according to tenancy. (9) Rents in money or in kind. (10) Land RevenuesGive total kist of village and amount per acre for different qualities of land. ?11) Particulars of people who combine agriculture with other occupations. ?otez.?(a) Give (7) and (8) in as much detail as possible. (b) Under (9) give as full iu[orm?tim? as possible, both about the sorts of agreements that are concluded between the parteclat and ? the tenant, and also the amount of the rents, and wha? extras such as straw, ve4etables, e?c., are paid in addition to grain or cash rents. If landlord and tenant share the prodnee, exp!&iu how the kist and costs of cultiwtion a?. shat?l, and whether the tenant has all the straw, and endearour to calculate the actual v?lue of the share of prodnee ebbned by either party. Again, landowners and cultivators usually pay the village servants certain perquisites at the time of halwest, Pongal feast, eta. These ahould also be noted. D. AGRICULTURE (1) Area under each of the principal crops. (2) Area yielding one crop per annum. (3) Area yielding two crops per annum. (4) Area yielding three crops per annum. /?/.B.--Give these statistlos for a short series of years. (5) Customary crop cultivation, of wet, dry and garden lands respectively. (6) Types of plough used, cultivated per plough in respectively. and the number of wet, dr? and garden (7) Other agricultural implements. (8) Describe types of pumps or waterlifts elaborate description is needed if common types). Are oil engines used? (9) Is water sold for irrigation by one others? If so, what price is charged ? (10) S tock.---(?) Working oxen. (b) Cows. (c) Male buffaloes. used they are (d) Cow buffaloes. (?) Young stock o! above species. villager 8?re8 land to