Page:Indian Journal of Economics Volume 2.djvu/87

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STUDY OF RURAL EC'ONOMIC, 75 (j') Horses. (g) Donkeys and mules. (h) Sheep. (]) Pigs. (11) Are ploughs or carts and bulls hired out? give rates of hire. (12) Describe the customz with regard to domestic animals. If so, [oedlng of (18) Man uring-- ?a.) What percentage of the cattle dung produced iS 118ed as manure? ?b) What quantity of cattle dung is applied per acre of wet, dry and garden land? () How is cattle urine utilized ? (?) Other animal mannres. (e) Green manure. Under this head explain whether green manure is grown, or obtained from woods or (f) Are chemical obtained ? (14) Garden cultivation. manures used? If so, how Give here any information available not given under other heads. (15) Chief insect pests and methods of combating them. (16) Chief cattle diseases and methods of combating them. Under hemds (1.?) and (16) note partieular)y whether:tssistanee is obtained from the Agricultural and Veterirmry !?partments. (17) How and where wood is obtained for fuel, iml,le- ments, building, etc. ? (18) What is the cost of cultivation per acre of wet, dry and garden land respectively? (19', Has there been ally recent improvement in methods of cultivation, as single transplantation of paddy, seed selection of cotton, introduction of new crops, etc.? If so, how was such improvement brought about? Are the villagers disposed to adopt new methods if their utility Call be demonstrated ? (?0) Do the villagers breed their own cattle, or purchase ? If the former give as full an account as possible about their methods of breeding and rearing young cattle; if the latter state how the cattle are procured what breeds are preferred, where they come from, what pries are paid, anti. what becomes of the cattle afterwards.