Page:Indian Palmistry.djvu/52

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The line which is nearest to the thumb, of a good lively colour, and unbroken, promises riches. Should this line be broken in the middle, crooked and very pale, it denotes debility of body and a want of all things.

A cross or star placed here shows tranquillity of life in old age.

If there be a star single or double or any lines near the mount of the thumb, in women they denote misfortune and infamy.

A line passing from the Dragon line through the mount of Venus, presages adversities either by means of some kindred or a wife.

A line running from the Dragon line to the mount of the Moon shows adversities and private enemies; crooked or distorted it increases the evil and shows long servitude.

This line being clear and straight and extending as far as the region of the Moon, presages many journeys both by land and sea.

If this line continues to the mount of Mercury it argues that the man will live in a foreign country in great esteem. If it extends to the Liver line it shows an honest behaviour and a long life. If to the mount of the Sun, single or double, it denotes great good and enables the man to govern and rule in great affairs. If it pass to the mount of Mercury it betokens a man fit for many things. If it does not extend to the mount of Mercury, but is broken about the middle and ends beneath that mount, it