Page:Indian Palmistry.djvu/53

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denotes an untruthful, tittle-tattling, discontented person.

If this line ascends directly to the mount of Saturn, it denotes a good position of Saturn in the geniture; but if crooked and passes towards the Dragon line and the Liver line, it denotes a hard, covetous, and laborious man.

The Via Solis.

This line being straight and uniformly composed and well coloured, promises the favour of great men, and joyful honours; if dissected and uneven, judge the contrary, with various impediments and envy.

The Via Lactea.

This line being uniformly composed, proportionate and continued, denotes fortunate journeys both by sea and land; also a good brain, the favour of women (the mount of Venus being unafflicted), a composed and graceful speech. It it be cut or distorted it argues infelicity and lies; but if whole, ascending towards the little finger, it is a sign of great happiness.

The Line of Saturn.

This line being fully and wholly protracted to the middle finger is an argument of profound meditations, and of fortunate events in counsels and actions.

This line deficient is an evil sign portending many misfortunes, unless other positions favour it. If bending backward, into the hollow of the hand