Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/286

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Sx. Oliver Johnson Schools a ft Arsi- esis ; and other poems. N Y . 1881.

SydenJxam, Edward James Boaden The man of two lives : a narrative, by himself L 1828.

Sydney, Algernon Spencer Roane, who was the author of some political essays published under this signature.

Sydney, Algernon. Benjamin Wat- kins Leiqh. Address to the people of New England . . W. 1808.

Sydney, Edward, William. Nathan Bereiley Tucker. Tho partisan leader, a tale of the future, by . . W 1837

Sylva, Carmen Elizabeth, Queen Consort of Charles I, King of Eou- mania. Sappho [a poem]. Leipsic, 1880.

Sylvan, Enemy to Human Dis- eases Formula of prescriptions . . . Providence, 1813, [Written by a quack generally known as the *' Rainwater doc- tor."]

Sylvan. Samuel Holds. Fire-side melo- dies. A love dream, etc. L. 1859.

Sylvander. Robert Burns. The name under which he corresponded with a Mrs. Maclchose ("Clarmda"). The letters were published in 180*2, and immediately sup- pressed , but republished in 1845

Sylvanus. Robert Cotton. Rambles in Sweden and Gottlaud. L 1847,

Sylvaticus. J. F. Pennie. The tale of a modern genius ; or, the miseries of Parnassus ... L. 1827.

Sylvester, C. Lady Emma Caroline (Michell) Wood. Eosewara: a novel. L. 1806.

Sylvester, Joshua. John Camden Hotten. A garland of Christmas carols. ... L.18G1,

Sylvestris. Rev. Jehoida 'Brewer, in the " Gospel Magazine," 1776, when and where he published the hymn, " Hail ! Soveieign Love, that first began."

Sylvius. Edmond Texier. La physi- ologic du pocte. Paris, 1841.

Symington, Maggie. Miss Charlotte Symington. Working to win. L. 1872.

Sympathes. Joseph Willard Poet- ical elegy : sacred to the memory of Dr. Wigglesworth B. 1700.

Symposiast, Our. Edmund Bnrle (*)., in Beloe's "Sexagenarian/ 1 Vol. II, p. 119. 2d ed L 1818.

Syndas, Kate. Miss Kate Sandys Songs and music. L. 18-,

Syndercombe. Rt, Hon. Henri/ Flood

" The ' Freeman's Journal ' [started TayTIi'nry Brooke in 1T63] became the oigan, in 1T70, of Flood, Grattan, and the other opponents of tlie admmlstratiou of Loid Townshoud, who vfM de- feuded by Jephson and Slmcoi. Jn Iloey'a Mer- cmy. 1 PloocTs letters to tho 'Fieeman* ap- peared under the signature of *8yndei combo'; and the various essays and jeua d'eyprtt pul)- lialicdlii this journal against Lord Townsliend were collected and repimted in 1773 under the title of * Baratnnana,' to which Oiattan contrib- uted his celebrated character of PJtt." Bee GILBEBT'S "History of the City of Dublin," Vol. I.,p 294

Tho principal authors of ({ Barataruma," were Sir JBercules I,angri$lie % Mr. Grattan, and Mr. flood. Foi a key to M," seo " Notes and Queries," 2d Ber., VTIL, 211.

Syntax, Dr William Coombc. Tour of . . in search of tho picturcsq ue , . . L. 1821.

Syntax, Dr., Jr. S. Kimber, Jr. A new " Sartor Kesartus " . . - 1862.

Syntax, Peregrinus. Fnednch Ferdinand Hempel Allgemeinos dcut- sches Reimlexicozi , . . Leipsic. 1720.

0. William Makepeace Thackeray. "An Essay on the Genms of George Crtuk- shank," contrihuted to the "Westminster Review" (L.).

T. Dr. Samuel Johnson, in his con- tributions to the "Adventurer" (L.


T. Mrs. Catherine Talbot, in her con- tributions to the "Athenian Letters n . . . (L. 1741-43).

T. Alfred Tennyson. "The War," a poem contributed to the "Times" (L., May 9, 1859).

T. Martin Farquhar Tupper. A hymn for all nations. 1851.

T. Gwrffe Me Call Theat Kafir Nursery Tales," " Cape Monthly Maga- zine," 1877.

T. William Henri/ Tremoitfi Truth. Signed... N.Y. 1873.

T., A. Mrs. Ann (Mallett) Thomas. "Clarigo; a tragedy, from the German of Goethe/' in the "Monthly Magazine," for September and October, 1884.

T., A. B., Merton College. Amhurst Daniel, Tyssen. "Cornish Bell Inscrip- tions/' in "Notes and Queries," 1865.

T., A, F. Anne Fraser Tytlei. Mary and jPlorencej or, grave and gay ... L.