Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/287

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T., B. M. R. Lahee. "Latest In- telligence from the Planet Venus," in " Eraser's Mag.," December, 1874, p. 703

T.C D John Wilson Croker Familiar epistles to F. J[one]s, Esq., on the pres- ent state of the Irish stage. Dublin, 1804.

T., D. O'C. D O'C. Toumhy. Alder- man Roouey at the Cable banquet. JST.Y. 1866

T , E. E. Taster. Catalogue of [his] private library . . . N.Y. 1880.

T , E. Emiho Teza. II canto di Ivan Vasilcvici . . . Bologna, 1870.

T, E C Rev. Edward O. Towne. "Bacon-Shakespeare Theory," in the "Christian Register" (B , May, 1876).

T., F. Mrs. Frances Trollope. The mother's manual . . L 1833.

T. F., Taylor's Friend. Rev. George Ashbi/, "best known to literary history as ' T. F ,' the author of many spicy notes in Nichols's * Life of Bowyer.* "

T., G. W. George Watson Taylor. Pieces of poetry : with two dramas . . . Chiswick, 1830.

T., H S Mrs. Harriet Smith Tolman. James Tolman ... B. 1869.

T , I Isaac Taylor. Home education. L. 1837

T., J., D.D. Rev. Joseph Trapp. The ministerial virtue ... L. 1738.

T. J., of Bristol. Josiah Tticler. An impartial inquiry into the benefits and damages . . . from the present very great use of low-priced spirituous liquors . . . L. 1751

T, James, of B. Castle. James Townsend, in Beloe's "Sexagenarian" Vol. II., p. 20, 2d ed. (L. 1818).

T , J. E. J. E. Tuel. Saint Glair ; or, the prote'ge': a talc of the Federal City. By ... Washington, 1846.

T., J. F. Joseph Farrand Tattle. Inter- esting reminiscences : two papers on the battle of Gettysburgh. Dated, Crawfords- vilie, Ind., Aug. 12, 1874.

T., J. J. Rev. John James Tayler. Forms of prayer for public worship. 3d ed. L. 1851.

T, J. O. John Orville Terry. The poems of ... N.Y. 1850.

T., Ii. Louisa Twining. Dress. L. 187-,

T., Ij. Lewis Theobald. Miscellane- ous observations upon authors, ancient and modern. L. 1731-32.

T., Tt. B. Laiorence BucUey Thomas. Autograph poems. 18-,

T., M. A. Mary Agnes TincJcer. The house of Yorke . . . N.Y. 1872.

T , M M. D. L. M. Maitre De La Tour. The history of Ayder-Ali-Khan, Nabob Bahader . .by ... L. 1784.

T., M. W. Wilham Tennant. Papistry storm'd . . L. 1827.

T., M. W. Mm if W. Tileston. The wisdom, series. B. 1876-7.

T., Marmaduke. Maimaduke Thomp- son. See Lamb's "Elia," "Christ's Hospital."

T.,P.,Esq. Philip Thicknesse. Junius discovered. L. n.d.

T. P. A. P. O. A. B. I. T C. O. S. [The Precentor And Prebendary Of Alton Borealis In The Church Of Sarum.] Rev. Arthur Ashley SyLes. An enquiry into the meaning of demoniacks in the New Testament. 2d ed. L. 1737.

T. Q. Samuel Young. A Wall Street bear in Europe ... by ... N.Y. 1855.

T. Q. Z , Esq. Major John Scott. An epistle from Oberea, Queen of Otaheite ... L. 1774.

T., R, Ralph Thomas. "Abolition of imprisonment for debt," contributed to the "Monthly Magazine." L. 1832.

T., R. Rev. Robert Ti/as, M.A. Sen- timent of flowers. L. 1835

T, R., gent, of London. Robert Tofte. Laura. The toyes of a traveller . . . n.p. 1597.

T. R. D. J. S. D. O. P. 1. 1 The Rev. Dr. Jonathan Stcift, " Dean of Pat- rick's in Ireland." Miscellaneous works, comical and diverting, n.p. 1720

T., S. Samuel Timmins. Lord Spen- cer's library . . . n.p., n.d. but 1870.

T., S. Sarah Tucker. South Indian missionary sketches ... L. 1842.

T., S O. Rev. Samuel Cooper Thatcher. Elements of religion and morality . . . B. 1813. [Co-author with Rev. W. E,- Channing, D.D. See " C., W. E.," and "T., S. C."]

T., St D Thomas Burgess. The Sa- maritan and Syriack alphabets, with a praxis to each. By ... L. 1814,

T., S. E. Samuel E. Thomas. The row in Dame Albion's Church school; or, high, low, and broad ideas of essen- tials. In two scenes. By ... L. 1871.

T.,W. Dr. William Thomson. Bacon, not Shakespeare. By ... Melbourne, Australia,* 1881.

T., W. William Trotter. Five letters on worship ... L. 1857.

T., W. William Thornton, M.D. Po- litical economy ; founded in justice and humanity ... W. 1804.

T. W., aBostonlan. Charles Chauncy. A letter to a friend, giving a concise but