Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/288

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just representation of the hardships and sufferings the town of Boston is exposed to ... B. 1774.

T., W. B. D D William Barclay David Donald Turribull. Remarks on the Hussey peerage. Edmb. 1842.

T., W. F. W. F. Taylor. Suitable bathing dresses, as used in Biarritz . . . Windsor, 1864

T , W. M. William Makepeace Thack- eray. '< Going to soe a man hanged." " Eraser's Magazine," August, 1840.

T. Z Samuel Adams, in the "Boston Gazette," Jan. 9, 1709.

T*#*e, Citizen H. John Home Tooke. A political eclogue. Citizen H T***e, Citizen T**rn*y [George Tierney], and R. B., Esq. L 1797.

X##r**w, &**d. Edward, 1st Baron Thurlow A dressing for ... prepared by a surgeon. L. 1797.

T**rn*y, Citizen George Tierney. See"T**ke, Citizen H."

T , Mrs. Mrs. Sarah (I&rby)

Trimmer, in Beloe's "Sexagenarian," L, 344. 2d ed. L. 1818.

T , J , Esq. John Wilson Cro-

ker An intercepted letter from . . . Dublin, 1804

T , The R v d D . Rev.

William Thorn, of Govan. The happi- ness of dead clergymen . . . Glasgow, 1709.

T e, Dr. Rev. William Trollope. See Lamb's "Elia," "Christ's Hospital."

T n, J . Dr. William Maginn.

Extracts from a lost (and found) memo- randum book, in "Blackwood's Maga- zine," March, 1821.

Tabitha. Edward Tat/lor Fletcher. See"Korah."

Tacitus. De Witt Clinton. The canal policy of the State of New York, Albany, 1821,

Tacitus. Thomas Evans. A series of letters addressed to Thomas Jefferson . . . P, 1802.

Tag, Rag, and Bobtail, Messieurs. Isaac D' Israeli. Flim-flams! Or, the life and errors of ray uncle and the amours of my aunt ... L. 1805.

Talis Quails. Karl Wilhelm-August Strandberg. Sanger i pansar. 184-.

Tally Tom. George Barham. The merry days of coaching ... By . , , L. 1857.

Talmon, Thrace, Mrs. Ellen T. H. Putnam. Captain Molly : the story of a brave woman. N.T. 1857.

Talvi. Mrs. Thfrese Albertine Louise (von Jacob) Robinson. Heloise; or, the unrevealed secret. N.Y. 1850.

Tarn. Thomas MacKellar Tarn's fortnight ramble, and other poems. P. 1847.

Tan Chau Qua of Quang Chew Fu, gent. Sir William Chambers An ex- planatory discourse by . . annexed to " A dissertation on oriental gardening " L 1774.

This was attacked and burlesqued in tbo ad- mirable "Heroic Epistle," generally aeenbed to Rev. William Mason, the poet.

Tandem, K. Felix. Karl Spinel cr. Extramundana, Von . . . Lcipsic, 1883.

Tanhauser, der neue. Ecluaid Gnsebach Der neue Tanhauser. 1809.

Taoalttbob. Graham. Diana great at Ephesus ... A sermon . . By ... L. 1755

" Taoalttbob" seems to bo a name composed, as an aciostio, of the initials of the woids form- ing the following sentence, " The Author Of A Letter To The Bishop Of Bangor "

Tasma. Miss Jessie Fiaser, in several works of fiction.

Taswert. John Allan Stewart, in his contributions to the "Times" (No. Springfield, Mo.)

Tatem, H. M. Helen Hazlett Glen- air ; or, life in Scotland P 1809.

Taubert, A. Agnes (Taubcrt) von Hartmann. Der Pessimismus und seme Gegner. 1873.

Taylor, George. Joseph Archer <7? owe. Antinous 1880.

Taylor, George. Prof. Adolf Uaus- jath. Klytia, and other novels.

Also attributed to Joseph Archer Crowe

Taylor, Theodore. John Camden Hotten. Thackeray, the humorist and the man of letters ... L. 1804.

Teacher, A. Charles W. Sanders. Metrical stories in chemistry and natural philosophy. By... N.Y. 1842.

Teacher, A. Henry Russell Cleveland. Remarks on the classical education of boys. B. 1834.

Teacher, A. Miss Elizabeth P. Pea- body. Theory of teaching ... B. 1841.

Teacher in Boston, A Nathaniel Peabody. First lessons in grammar on the plan of Pestalozzi. By ... B. 1880.

Teacher of thirty years' experi- ence, A. N. W. Starr. The arithmeti- cal assistant . . . N.T. 1863.

TekeU. Theodore Edward Hoolc (*). Poems, by ... L. 1809.

Tela, Josephus. Joseph Webb. Phil- osophical library. Edited by . . , L. 1818.

Telarlus. Foster Webb, who contrib- uted translations from the Latin classics,