Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/293

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ardson, in his contributions to the "World" (NY.).

Towne, Tracy. J/rs. E. W. Saw- telle Pen and pencil sketches. B. 1878.

Toxophilite. G. F. Lantgan, a Cana- dian writer, who, under this signature, contributed to Wilkes' "Spirit" and Porter's "Spirit of the Times" (N.Y.).

Tractarian British Critic, A. Rev. Geoige Herbert Tounsend. The life and defence of the conduct and principles of the venerable and calumniated Edmund Bonner, Bishop of London ... L. 1842.

Trader, An Old and Experienced. Alexander Cluny. The American trav- eller ... By ... L. 1769.

Tradesman, A. John Drinker, Obser- vations on the late popular measures . . . P. 1774.

Tradesman of Oxford, A. (*. S. Green. The images of the antients, par- ticularly those in the University of Ox- ford ... a poem. By ... Oxf. 1758.

Tradesman of Philadelphia, A. Benjamin Franklin. Plain truth ... P, 1747.

Tradleg, Nitram, Martin Geldart. A son of Behal ... L. 1882.

Traducteur, Monsieur. Jonas Clop- p er See " Thwackus, Herman "

Traffbrd, F. G. Mrs. Charlotte Eliza Lawson ( Cowan) RiddelL The moor and the fens L. 1858,

Tramp. Charles M. Skinner, in the Brooklyn "Times."

Translator, The. Henry Crude Mur- phy. Poetry of Nieuw-Neder-Landt, com- prising translations of early Dutch poems relating to New York, etc. ... By ... Williamatadt, 1866.

Translator, The. John Kesson. Trav- els in Scotland, translated from the Ger- man. With notes by ... L. 1844.

Translator of "Lady Catesby*s Letters," The Mrs. Frances (Moore) Broole. The history of Lady Julia Mandeville. By ... Dublin, 1763.

Translator of the "Caledonian Bards," The. John Clark, F.S.A. A letter ... on the late mutinies in the Highland regiments . . . Edinb 1780.

Translator of the " New Atalantis," The. Mrs. N. De la Riviere Manley. Memoirs of Europe towards the close of the eighth century. Written by Eginhar- dus, secretary and favourite of Charle- magne, and done into English by ... L. 1710.

Translator of the " Niehelungen Treasure/* Madame (Phillips) de Ponies. A selection from the poems and dramatic works of Theodor Koraer. L. 1860.

Translator of the "Pattern of Modesty," The Ehas Bockett. The wit and honesty of James Hoskins, etc., consider'd in remarks on their late pam- phlet call'd "The Pennsylvania Bubble." By ... L. 172C.

Translator of " Wilhelm Meister," etc., The Thomas Carli/Ie. German romance ; specimens of its chief authors ... By ... Edinb. 1827.

Trash. Roy all Tyler, in the " Polyan- thos," a literary monthly, published and edited by Joseph T. Buckingham, 1806-7. B.

Traun, Julius von der, Julius Schind- ler. Excursionen eines Osterreichers, 1840-79, 1880.

Traveler, A. C. Mrs. H. K. U. Clark. Teachings of the ages. By . . . San Francisco, 1874.

Traveller, A. De Witt Clinton. An account of Abimelech Coody and other celebrated writers of New York . . . N.Y. 1815. See " Coody, Abimelech/'

Traveller, A, Charles E. Kells (?). California, from the discovery by the Spaniards to the present time . . . N.Y. 1848.

Traveller, A. John Bamm. Con- tributions chiefly on " Theatrical topics," in the "Limerick Evening Post."

Traveller, A. Henry Salt. Egypt: a descriptive poem. Alexandria, 1824.

Traveller, A. Dinah Maria (Mulock) CraiL Fair France. Impressions of ... L. 1871.

Traveller, A. Benjamin Q. Clark. Geographical sketch of St. Domingo . . . B. 1850-

Traveller, A. Mrs. Ann (Hinton) Taylor. Itinerary of ... in. the wilder- ness. B. 1825.

Traveller, A. Henry Russell Cleve* land. A letter to the Hon. Daniel Web- ster, on the causes of the destruction of the steamer " Lexington "... B. 1840.

Traveller, A. William Cullen Bryant. Letters of ... 1857-58. N.Y. 1859.

Traveller, A. George William Curtis. Bile notes. L. 1851.

Traveller, A. JSamuel Laing. Notes of ... in France, Prussia, Switzerland, etc. L. 1841.

Traveller, A. H. C. Todd (?). Notes upon Canada and the "United States, from 1832 to 1840. By... Toronto, 1840.

Traveller, A. George W. Carkion. Our artist in Cuba: fifty drawings on wood, Leaves from the sketch-book of ... during the winter of 1864-65. 2ST.Y. 1807.

Traveller, A. JL V. Kirwan. The