Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/294

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ports, arsenals, and dockyards of France. L. 1841.

Traveller, A. Thomas Victor. Sir Humphry Davy's monument. A mid- night tale. By ... Penzance, 1875.

Traveller, A. Silas Pinckney Hoi- brook. Sketches by ... B. 183-.

Traveller, A Edmund Flagg. Sketches of ... in 1886, published in the "Louisville Journal"; afterwards, in book form, under the title, "The far West ; or, a tour beyond the mountains . . N.Y. 1838

Traveller, A. Mrs. Anne Royall. Sketches of history, life, and manners in the United States. New Haven, 1826.

Traveller, A. Sir John Malcolm. Sketches of Persia, from the journals of ... in the East. L. 1828.

Traveller, A. Mrs. Sarah (Wallis Bowdich) Lee. Stories of strange lands, and fragments from the notes of ... L. 1835.

Traveller, A. Sir William Draper. The thoughts of ... upon our American disputes. L 1774.

Traveller, A. Frank Starr. Twenty years of . . . 's lif e . being extracts from his journal. L. 1851.

Traveller, A, Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Esq. Two hundred and nine days; or, the journal of ... on the Continent. L. 1827.

Traveller and Teacher, A. Alonzo Tripp. Crests from the ocean world . . . By... B. 1855.

Traveller in the Tropics, A. Ma- turin M. BaUou. History of Cuba; or, notes of ... etc. B. 1854.

Traveller, The. Isaac Story, in some contributions to the "Columbian Senti- nel."

Travelling Bachelor, A. James Feni- more Cooper. Notions of the Americans, picked up by ... P. 1838.

Travelling Physician, A. Sir George William Lefevre, Knt. Life of ... L. 1843.

Treasurer of a Corporation, A. Thomas Greaves Gary. Profits on man- ufactures at Lowell ... B, 1845.

Treasurer of the Wimbledon Local Museum, The. Joseph Toynbee. Hints on the formation of local museums. By... L. 1863.

Trebor. Robert S. Davis. As it may happen. P. 1879.

Trebor, Eidrah. Robert Hardie. Hoyle made familiar. Edinb. 1830.

Treddlehoyle, Tom. J. Rogers. Tom Treddlehoyle's peep at t'Manehester art treasures exhebishon e 1857. Leeds, 1857.

Treenoodle, Uncle Jan. William Sandys, F.S A. Transactions of the Loggerville Literary Society. L. 1867.

Trefoil. Gen. F. F. Millen, in his contributions to the " Golden Era " (San Francisco, Cal ), et<*.

Tregenna, the late James Hamley. Ven. Robert Bateman Paul, M.A. The autobiography of a Cornish rector. By ... L. 1872.

Trelawny, Anne. Mrs. Anne (Tre- lawny) Gibbons. An Easter offering. By . . L. 1845.

Tremaine, Canon. Rev. Robert Ste- phen Hawker, M.A.

The character of Canon Tremaine in Mortimer Collms's " Sweet and Twenty," a novel, L. 1875, was intended for Mev. JR. S. SawTeer.

Trenchard, Asa. Henry Watterson. Comic sketches. L. 18-.

Trepidantium, Malleus. Samuel Young, who published tracts under this name and that of "Calvin Philanax." L. 1698-1700.

Trepolpen, P. W. William Prideaux Courtney. His signature in "Notes and Queries/' 1864-69.

Tressilian. Edward Wilham Brydges Willyams, in Lawrence's " Silverland."

Tretane. Jolm Brendon Curgenoen, M.R.C.S. London riots in 1780. Light horse volunteers. By T., in " Notes and Queries," 1860.

Trevor, Edward. The Right Hon. Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton, Baron Lyt- ton, joint-author. Tannhauser ; or, the battle of the bards : a poem. L. 1861.

Trevylyan, Mrs, Kitty. Mrs. E. R. Charles. Diary of ... N.Y. 1864

Tricotrin A. J. Henderson, in the New York" Tribune."

Trifle and the Editor. Warren Til- ton and William A. Crapts. Trifleton papers ... B. 1856.

Trigger, George. W. J3". Florio Hutchisson. Pen and pencil sketches, being reminiscences during eighteen years* residence in Bengal. L. 1883.

Trim. Rev. Edward Baldwyn. A critique on the poetical essays of the Rev. William Atkinson . . . 1787.

Trim. Louis Qustave Fortune' Ratis- lonne. Les petits hommes, 1868; Les petites femmes, 1871.

Trimalcion. Feiix d'Amoreux (called Jules de Saint-Fdix). Etudes parlernen- taires, morales, et pittoresques . . . Paris, 1850.

Trimble, Esther J. Esther J. T. Lippincott. A handbook of English and American literature, historical and criti- cal. By ... P. 188-.