Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/373

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Broadhead, James. A Citizen of the World. An English writer.

Brock, Miss Sallie A, See "Put- nam, Mrs. Sallie A. (Brock)."

Brockett, John Trotter, 1788-1842. J. T. B. An English antiquary ; b. at Witton Gilbert, Co. Durham; admitted to the bar, and practised many years at Newcastle, but gave his leisure time to literary and scientific pursuits. He was one of the founders of the Newcastle Typographical Society; d. at his resi- dence in Albion Place, Newcastle-upon- Tyne.

Brockett, Linus Pierpont, M.D., 1820-. An American Citizen; Philobib- lius. An American writer ; b. at Canton, Conn.; Yale Med. Coll, 1843; after practising his profession for some years, he devoted himself to literary pursuits at Hartford, Conn. ; was partner m a pub- lishing house in that city, 1847-57; in 1856 resumed his literary work, and had charge of several departments in the "American Annual Encyclopaedia/' 1862-77 et seq.

Brockway, Rev. Thomas, 1744- 1807. The European Traveller. An American Cong, minister; b. in Lyme, Conn. ; Yale Coll., 1768 ; pastor at Leba- non, Conn., 1772-1807. He was an ardent friend of his country, and when New London was burnt, as soon as the news reached him, he started off with his long gun, and deacons, and parishioners, to assist in doing battle with the enemy. D. at Lyme.

Broderick, A. B. An English poet.

Broderip, William John, Esq., "P.L.S, 1787-1859. A Naturalist. An English lawyer ; b. in Bristol ; graduated at Oriel Coll., Oxford ; called to the bar in 1817 ; was a police magistrate in Lon- don for 34 years; devoted his leisure time to the study of natural history, and became distinguished as a zoologist; d. in London.

Brodrib, John Henry, 1838-. Henry Irving. An English actor; b. at Kein- ton, near Glastonbury, Somersetshire; educ. in London ; became professionally connected with the stage in 1850, and has since been eminently successful in his dramatic career.

Broekel, Johanne Antonie, 1819-. A. Brook. A Danish teacher and writer; b. at Tondern, in Schleswig ; founded in 1844, at Keil, a boarding-school for young women, which she continued till 1875.

Bromet, William, M.D., F.S.A.,

-1860. A Lounger; Plantagenet. An English surgeon and antiquary; Asst. Surgeon, 1st Regt. Life Guards, 1814- 36; and Surgeon, 1836-47; d. at Bo- logna.

Bromfield, William, 1712-92. W. B. An English writer ; an eminent sur- geon ; b. in London ; lectured with great success in that city ; became surgeon to George III. ; invented the " tenaculum," by which the operator could separate, ex- tend, and tie a divided artery.

Bromley, M. I. M. I. B. An Eng- lish poet.

Bromley, William. A Gentleman. An English statesman; Speaker of the House of Commons in 1710.

Bronte, Anne, 1820-49. Acton Bell An English poet and novelist; b. at Thornton, near Bradford. Her poems are of a deeply religious character, and most beautiful in sentiment.

Bronte, Charlotte. Currer Bell. See "Nicholls, Mrs C. (B.)."

Bronte, Emily Jane, 1818-48. Mlis Bell. An English novelist ; b. at Thorn- ton, near Bradford, Yorkshire. At Ha- worth she divided her time between homely domestic duties, studies, and rambles.

Brook, Mary, about 1726-82. M. B. An English Eriend ; b. at Woodstock, in Oxfordshire; joined the Friends about 175S, and was married to Joseph Brook, of Leighton Buzzard, in 1769. She was a minister of the Eriends about 27 years.

Brooke, E. E. B. An English bib- liographer.

Brooke, Mrs. Frances (Moore), 1746-89. Mary Singleton; Spinster; Translaior of Lady Catesby's Letters. An English novelist and dramatist; daugh- ter of Rev. Mr. Moore and wife of the Eev. John Brooke, Rector of Colney in Norfolk.

Brooke, Henry, 1706-88. Farmer; Oxomensis. An Irish poet ; b. at Ranta- van, County Cavan; educ. at the Univ. of Dublin ; spent some years in London ; the friend of Swift, Pope, and Lord Lyt- telton; in 1740 he retired to his native town, and was for the rest of his life chiefly engaged in literary work; d. in Dublin.

Brooke, John Charles, 1748-94. J. B. A professed English antiquary; published the "Somerset Herald/' and wrote for the "Gent. Mag/' under the signature "J. B."

Brooke, Richard (?). . #. An English writer.

Brooke, Major William (*). A Gen-