Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/374

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tlemanoftke Committee. An English phil- anthropist, of Bath.

Broofc&s, S. A Student. An English writer.

Brooks, Abble M Silvia Sunshine. An American writer, of the South.

Brooks, Charles Shirley, 1815-74. JSptcurus JRotundns. An English jour- nalist, lecturer, dramatist, and novelist; b. m Oxfordshire , btudied law, but pre- ferred a literary life, which he passed chiefly in London, where lie died; edi- tor of " Punch," 1870-74

Brooks, Rev. Charles Timothy, 1813-83. C.T.B, CmnerBoys Car- rier Mercury. An American poet and clergyman , b. m Salem, Mass. ; Harv. Univ., 1832; for in an j years, from 1887, minister of the Unit. Society at Newport, E J., where he died.

Brooks, James Gordon, 1801-41. FJono. An American poet ; b at Clav- erack, N.Y. ; Union Coll., 1819; studied law ; removed in 1823 to New York City, and was successively the editor of the 1 ' Minerva," the " Literary Gazette," the "AthensBum," and the "Morning Cour- ier" ; in 1830 he removed to Winchester, Va , in 1838 to Rochester, N.Y., and after- wards to Albany, where he died.

Brooks, Bev. Joshua William. Ah- dieL An English Epis. divine , Eector of Great Ponton, Grantham, 1864-80 et seq.

Brooks, Mrs. Maria (Gowen), 179&- 1845. A Lover of the Fme Arts; Maria del Occidents An American poet; b. at Medford, Mass. ; married Mr. Brooks, a Boston merchant, at the death of her husband in 1823, she removed to Cuba ; in 1830, visited London and Paris, d, at Matanzas, Cuba

Brooks, Martha, Martha CarolL An American writer for the young.

Brooks, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Akin) Norna. An American writer and skilful designer; b. in New York City ; married James Gordon Brooks in 1828; resided in New York City in 1854, where she made drawings to illustrate books.

Brooks, Setn. An AUent Baptist Dis- senter.

Brooks, Vincent. F. J3. An Eng- lish lithographer.

Broom, W. W. JSboracus. An Eng- lish reformer and politician ; in 1859 he wrote for the " Morning News/' of Liver- pool; in 1865 he visited New York City, and wrote for New York and Boston pa- pers, and gave addresses on "Recon- struction" at Newark, N.J., and New York City.

Broom e, Frederick Napier, 1842-. JF. N. B. An English poet, civilian, and journalist ; b. in Canada ; emigrated to New Zealand in 1857, Colonial Secre- tary of Natal, 1875 et seq.

Brooxne, Captain Ralph. Simpkin the Second, Poetic Recorder. An English miscellaneous writer, was once a captain in the service of the E. I. Co , and Per- sian translator to the army on the fron- tier station ; wrote in defence of Warren Hastings.

Broome, William, LL.D., about 1689-1745. Chester. An English poet; b. at Cheshire , rector of Pulham in Nor- folk w. Oakley Magna in Suffolk from 1733, and Vicar of Eye, in Suffolk ; d. at Bath.

Brosbbll, Karl, 1820-. Cant Etlar. A Danish poet; b. at JTredericia; when he was 16 years old he went to Copenha- gen, 'and after passing through all the schools of the Art Academy, lie devoted himself to literature. In 1853 he re- ceived an appointment in the Royal Library ; in 1867 he travelled in North Africa, and in 1869 m Western Europe

Brough, Fanny WMtesicle. Mrs. Jt. S. JBohyn, An English actress ; wife of Richard Smith Boleyn

Brough, Robert Barnabas, 1828-00. Papernose Woodensconce, Esq. A well- known English writer of burlesque dramas ; b. in London ; passed his early years in Monmouthshire, and his school- days at Newport. He was first employed on a publication at Liverpool, and after- wards, with Mr, Angus B. Beach, on a comic periodical in London ; d. at Man- chester

Brougham and Vaux, Henry Peter Brougham, Lord, F.R.S., etc, 1778- 1868. Lord B*******; Isaac Tomtins, Gent. An eminent British man of sci- ence, lawyer, orator, and statesman, of London ; b. in Edinburgh ; educ. at the Univ. of that city ; settled there as an advocate for a few years; removed to London in 1806 ; M C. for the burgh of Camelford, 1810; for Yorkshire, 1830; Lord Chancellor and a Peer, 1830-34, and never held public office afterwards. He is to be ranked as a philanthropist, statesman, orator, philosopher, and sa- vant, among the most illustrious men his country has ever produced. In 1848 he purchased an estate at Cannes, and d. there.

Brougham, John, 1810-80. Diogenes, Jr. An Irish American comedian ; b in Dublin ; studied for a time at the Dublin and Oxford XJnivs., but did not graduate ;