Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/490

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Insli religious and political writer ; d. at Glaslough, County Monaghan

Leslie, Sir John, Knt , 1766-1832. A Gentleman. A Scottish poet and scholar ; b. at Largo, Fifeshire ; educ at St. An- drew's and at Edinburgh, then pro- ceeded to London, where he engaged in literary work ; Prof, of Nat. Hist m the Univ. of Edmb , 1819-32 ; d. at his seat, at Coates, Fifeshire.

Xieslie, Mrs Madeline. A Physician's Wife. A Scottish writer of the day.

Lespes, Antoine Joseph Napoleon (called L6o), 1815-73. Timothfe Tnmm. A French author ; b. at Bouchain (Nord) ; began his literary career in the minor Paris journals; founded in 1862 the " Petit Journal," which soon had a circu- lation of 200,000 copies ; d. in Paris.

Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 1729- 81. The Father of German Literature. An eminent German poet.

Lester, Rev. Charles Edwards, 1815-. Helen Dhu; B&tMey Men An American journalist; b. at Griswold, Conn. ; came to the Bar in Mississippi ; afterwards ordained to the Presbyt. min- istry; from 1847 resided at New York City.

Letchworth, Thomas, about 1736- 84, T. L.; Philaretus. An English 3Tnend, of Southwark, London ; a minis- ter about 26 years ; d. at Newbury.

LetelHer, Charles de Saint Malo. Maximilien RaouL A French dramatist and miscellaneous writer, of Paris.

Letts, J. M. A JRetw ned Cahfornian. An American writer

Lever, Charles James, M.D., LL.D., 180(5-72. Cornelius O'Doivd; Paul Gose- bet; Harry Lorrequer. An Irish novel- ist ; b, in Dublin ; Trin. Coll , Dublin ; for a time, after 1845, he resided with his family at Florence; Vice-Consul at Spezia, 1858-67 ; d. at Trieste.

Leveson, Major Henry A. H. A . L., the Old Shekarry; The Old Shekarry. An Irish sporting writer.

Levy, Julius, 1831-. Julius von Ro- denberg. A German poet and dramatist ; b. at Rodenberg m Hessen; since 1859 has resided at Berlin.

Lewes, George Henry, 1817-78. Frank Churchill; Shngsby Lawrence; Vivian; The Author of The Life of Goethe" An English writer ; b. in Lon- don j from 1839, devoted himself at Lon- don to literature and science.

Lewin, Boss. A Field Officer. An English soldier.

Lewis, Albert Henry Lewis Henry. An American writer of the day.

Lewis, Alonzo, 1794-1861. The Lynn Bai d. An American poet and local his- torian, b. and lived in Lynn, Mass., all his life, acting as a teacher, an editor, a map-maker, a civil engineer, and for many years a justice of the peace

Lewis, Charles B. M. Quad; The Detroit Free Press Man. An American journalist and humorist.

Lewis, Emma. E. L. An Ameri- can lady, of Philadelphia, "who, during years of weary confinement" by sick- ness, gave utterance to her consolations in poetry, for the support and coiibola- tion of others.

Lewis, Mrs. Estella Anna Blanche (Robinson). Stella. An American "Southland" poet; b. in Baltimore, educ. at the Troy Female Seminary, married S. D. Lewis, a lawyer ; resided in Europe, 1858-70 et seq.

Lewis, Rev. John, M.A., 1675-174G

        • . A Fnend to Libeity and Property.

An English clergyman and antiquary ; b in Bristol; Vicar of Mynstre, 1708-46.

Lewis, John Delaware, M.A. John Smith of Smith Hall, Gent. ; An Under- graduate. An English writer; Trin. Coll., Cambridge, 1850,

Lewis, Julius Warren. F. Clinton Bamngton

Lewis, Mrs. L. P. L. P. L. A Ger- man writer of the day.

Lewis, Mrs. Mary. Meta. An Amer- ican poet of the day.

Lewis, Matthew Gregory, 1773- 1818. "Monk" Lewis; A West India Proprietor. An English novelist and dramatist; b, in London; M.P., 1794; in 1797, commenced his literary career ; the latter years of his life were passed in travelling; d. on board ship, returning to England from the West Indies.

Lewis, Richard. Peter Pounce, Esq. An English satirist, of the 18th century.

Lewis, Rev. Thomas. A Clergyman ;

Anonymous Londinensis; T. L ; A

Lay-Hand, An English clergyman, of London, of the first part of the 18th century,

Lewis, Waller, M.D , 1711-81. Cam. An English writer on whist.

Lewison, William H., 1822-57. Ju- lius Ccesar Hannibal. An American journalist, of New Orleans; editor and propnetor of the "Picayune"; d, in New York City.

Leypoldt, Friedrich, 1887-84. F. Pylodet. A German-American pub- lisher; came to this country in 1854; in 1865, settled in New York City; d there.