Page:Initials and pseudonyms, first series (Cushing).djvu/491

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Liddell, The Hon. and Rev. Robert,

M A , 1S08-. A Sexagenarian. An Eng- lish clergyman and poet , Christ Church, Oxford, 1829 ; in 1883, resided at Wilton- place, London.

Iiieber, Francis, LL.D., 1800-72 Amencus; Ainold Franz; The Stranger. A German American historical and 'po- litical -writer j b. at Berlin ; came to this country in 1827 ; Prof, at Columbia Coll., N.Y., 1857-72; d. in New York City.

Iiieber, Oscar Montgomery. Ameri- cus. An American journalist

Liebich, Augusta. Marjone March An American writer.

Lillie, L C. L. C. White. An Amer- ican writer of the day.

Lilly, William, 1602-81 Zadkiel A famous English astrologer; b. hi Lei- cestershire ; d. at Hersham

Iiincoln, Mrs. Jane Elizabeth (Lar- combe), 1829-. Kate Campbell An American wnter ; b. at Colebrook, Conn , in 1851 married Rev. Heman Lincoln, a Baptist clergyman.

Lincoln, Levi, A.M, 1749-1820. A Farmer. An eminent American lawyer and statesman, of Worcester, Mass.; Lieut.-Gov. of Mass., 1807-8, and Act- ing Gov., 1808-9.

Lind, John, Esq., -1780 A Member of Lincoln's Inn. An English lawyer and political writer, son of Charles Lind; Vicar of West Mersey, Essex, 1738-48.

Lindesay, H. H Her Sister. An English lady; a writer of the day; sister of Charlotte Williams Wynn.

Lindo, Mark Prager, -1877. Mr. Oude Neer flmitts. An Englishman by birth, but long resident at the Hague, where he died.

Lindsay, Colin, -1722. The Right Honourable the Earl of B . A Scot- tish nobleman; 3d Earl of Balcarres; succeeded, 1662.

Llndsey, Rev. Theophilus, M.A., 1723-1808. A Late Member of the Univer- sity. An English Unit. ; b. at Middlewich, Cheshire; St. John's Coll.; occupied a chapel in London, 1774-93, where he died.

Lindsley, Jonn Berrien, M.B. A Poor-Rich Man. An American physi- cian ; b., 1822, at Princeton, N J. ; Secre- tary to the State Board of Education of Tennessee ; 1875 resident at Nashville.

Ling, Nicholas. V. S. See " R. J." Richard Jones.

Lingard, John, D.B., LL.D., 1771- 1851. A Catholic; Elias. An English Roman Catholic clergyman; b. in Win- chester; educ. at Douay, France ; for 40

years held a small preferment at Horns- by, Lancashire, where he died.

Linn, Rev. John Blair, D D , 1777- 1804. A Young Gentleman of New York. An American Presbyt. minister; b. m Shippensburg, Penn. ; Columbia Coll , 1795; asst. minister of the First Presbyt. Church, Philadelphia; was brother-in- law of Charles Brockden Brown.

Linning, Thomas. A Fnend An English writer of the first part of the 18th century.

Linskill, Miss . Stephen Yoile.

An English writer of the day, of York- shire.

Linton, Mrs. Eliza (Lynn), 1828-. Girl of the Period. An English writer; b. at Crosthwaite, Cumberland Co. ; one of the twelve daughters of James Lynn, D.D , vicar of that place ; in 1881 was very ill at Florence, threatened with total blindness; married the following.

Linton, William James, 1812-. Spartacus. An English-American author and engraver; b. in London; for many years of London; then of Kew York City ; and finally of New Haven, Conn

Linz, Amelie (Speyer), 1824-. Ame- he G-odin. A German novelist; b. at Bamberg ; married, in 1845, the Prussian engineer, Lieut. Franz Linz (who died in 1870); and since 1873 has lived in Munich

Lippincott, Esther J. T. Esther J. Trimble. An American writer of the day, of Philadelphia.

Lippincott, Mrs. Sara Jane (Clarke) , 1823-. Grrace Gieenwood. An American writer, of Philadelphia, b. at Pompey; educ. at Rochester, N.Y. , in 1853 married Leander K. Lippincott, the publisher, of Philadelphia.

Lipscomb, George, M.D., 1773-1847. Viator. An English litterateur; b at Quainton, Buckingham Co. ; studied med- icine in London, but seems to have chiefly devoted his life to literary pursuits; d. in London.

Lipsius, Marie, 1837-. La Mara. A German writer on music and musicians , b. at Leipsic ; passed some time at Wei- mar in the study of music under Liszt , and now lives in Leipsic.

Uster, John. A. F. <?. A Scottish advocate ; a writer of the day.

Lister, Thomas, Esq , LL D., -1828. Hampden. An English writer ; a gradu- ate of Oxford; resident at Armitage Park, Staffs., and for many years a mag- istrate for that county.

Littell, John Stodrton. J. S. L. An American editor and compiler, of Germantown, Penn.; b. at Burlington,