Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/110

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Jlembre <lu Parlement, Un. John Jlermini Mrrivale, Esq. Homnies d'Etat de I'Angleterre . . . Imprime dans la " Revue des Deux Mondc's," 1834, 1835, and 1838.

Membre du Parlement d'Angle- terre, Un. Sir llinry Parnall. Coup d'ceil sur les avantuues des relations commerciales entre la France et I'An- uleterre, basees sur k-s vrais principes de reconomie politique. Trad, de I'angl. Paris, 1832.

3Iemorable Jlother, A. Mrs. Ann Coirr/i/.

^lenander. Thomas Warton, in Dib- din's " Bibliomania."

>Ienenlus. Digbi/ Pilot Slnrkey. Ode

commemorative of Her Majesty's visit to the Great Industrial Exhibition in Dub- lin .. . By... Dublin, 1853.

Menippus. Hev. Thomas Ectston. A review of Dr. Chalmer's astronomical dis- courses . . . By . . . Glasgow, 1818.

Mentor. Isaac fjedyard. M.'s reply to Phocion's letter . . . N.Y. 1784.

Mentor. H. flaupt. 1869, 1879.

Mercator, J. A. John A. Chapman. The walk, and other poems. By . . . Newberry, S.C, 1875.

Merchant, A. ('hurles Blake. A let- ter ... on the present state of affairs at Gibraltar. By . . . 1855.

Merchant, A. Jonas TIanwai/. A review of the proposed naturalization of the Jews By . . . who subscribed

the petition against the naturalization of the Jews. L. 1753.

Merchant, A. Richard Blanshard, Esq. Thouglits on the present commer- cial distress ... By . . . L. 1826.

Jleriman, Butterfield. Emily J. fjoyson.

3Ierlin. 3Iilner.

Jlerlin the Second. David Henry.

Merlinus Anglicus, Jun. R. C. Smith. Urania; or, the .Astrologer's Chronicle, and Mystical Magazine. Ed- ited by . . . L. 1825.

MeiTlton, Mervyn. H. C. Coape.

Merrypebble, 3Ir. Ritjlit Hon. Sir W. E. Gladstime. — See " Beniamina, Mr."

Messager de Wandsbeck, Le. ila- fhiffs Clftiulins.

Metastasio, Pietro Buenaventura. Pieiro Aiiloitio JJomrnlro Jjiionai-entura Trapassi.

Meteorologist of the New York Skating Club, The. Enr/r-ne B. Cook. Report of . . . for the season 1863-64. N.Y. 1864.

Metoikos. Hugh Carleton. A page

from the history of New Zealand. By . . . Auckland, 1854.

Midshipman, The. Iiei\ Auyustus Adoljihii.'i /. ,11/'. The .M.'s trip to Jerusa- lem. liil-±

Milford Bard, The. -fohn Lojiand. The liarp of Delaware; or, the miscella- neous poems iif . . . P. 1828.

Mill-boy of the Slashes. Henrij CI a,,.

Milord All'Eye et Milord AH 'Ear. Mathie.ii Eraiirois Pidansratde JMairuliert et aiiti-es. L'Observateur angluis, oil correspondance secrete entre . L.


An iiliridgnient has appeared ae " L'Espion anglais," 18ua.

Milow, Stephan v. Stephan u. Mil- lentovics. Verlorenes gliick ; eine erziih- lung. Heidelberg, 1866.

Milton, Marmaduke, Esq. Charles fjiinsfcr. St. James Street : a poem in blank verse. By . . . D. 1790.

Miner of Perranzabuloe, The. 1 1 'il- liam Miirrish. The M. of P. ; or, simple records of a good man's life. By W. Davis Tyack. L. 1866.

Minister, A. Stephen Badger. Ad- dress of ... to the church under his pas- toral care ... B. 1784.

Minister, A. Rev. William T^ogie. The church in Orkney. Address of . . . Edinb. 1844.

i>Iinister, A. Rev. .Jojuithan Dickinson. A display of God's special grace ; in a familiar dialogue between . . . and a gentleman of his congregation ... B. 1742.

Minister, A. -fosiah Woodward, D.D. The duty of family prayer ... In a let- ter from ... to his parishioners. L. 1704.

Minister, A. Bee. John Bold, B.A. The duty of worthily communicating recommended and explained ... In a letter from ... to his parishioners. L. 174-.

3Iinister, A. Richard Cecil. Friendly advice from ... to the servants of his parish. L. 1703.

Minister, A. nomas Crawford, D.D. Reasons of adherence to the Established Churcli of Scotland, addressed by . . . 11th ed, Edinlj. 1844.

Jlinister, A. Thomas IIfuvrdine,iJ.A. A serious address to the Anabaptists ; being a letter from ... to some of his parishioners of that persuasion. L. 1701.

3Iinister, A. Edmund Gibson, D.D. Serious advice to persons who have been sick ... In a letter from ... L. 1722.

Jlinister, A. Rev. Thomas Slabbark. A serious and earnest exhortation to at-