Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/111

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tend public worship. Addressed by . . . to his parishioners. Helston, 1804.

Minister, A. Hev. Henrij M. Bridge. Wallamannuraps ; or, the triumpli of re- ligious principles. By. . . B. 1850.

Minister, A. Rev. Samuel Webster. A winter evening's conversation upon the doctrine of original sin, between . . . and three of his neiglibours . . . B.1757.

Minister, The. Sir Robert Peel. A letter to B. l^'lsraeli, upon the subject of his recent attaelc upon ... Jj. 1846.

Minister, Cliaplain in the Army, A. John Whittie. An exact diary of the late expedition of his Illustrious highness, the Prince of Orange, etc. . . . By ... L. 1789.

Minister in the Country, A. Rev. John fjewis. Remarks on four sermons, preacli'd by Dr. Tliomas Bisse, at the Rolls Chappel ... L. 1716.

Minister of a Chapel of Ease, The. Rev. Andrew Cfray. The chapel question considered ... By . . . Edinb. 1834.

Minister of known Learning, Piety, and Integrity, A. Alexander Hamilton. A sermon explaining the life of faith . . . By . . . Edinb. 1705.

Minister of London, A. George Hickes. Jovian ; or, an answer to [S. Johnson's] Julian the apostate. By . . . L. 1683.

Minister of that Church, A. .fames Gordon or Gordone. The state and duty of the Church of Scotland ... By . . . Edinb. 1732.

Minister of that Parish, The. Joseph Harrison. A scriptural exposition of the clmrcli cateclii.siii . . . for the use of the parish of (Cirencester.

Minister of the Church of England, A. Josiiih Woodvard, D.D. (1) A dis- swasive from gaming. By . . . L. 1718. — (2) A disswasive from the sin of drunk- enness. By . . . L. 1704. — (3) A kind caution to prophane swearers. By . L. 1704.

Minister of the C hurch of England, A. Samuel Johnson. (1) A letter from . . . to his dissenting parishioners . . . N.Y.

1733. — (2) A second letter from . . . B.

1734. _ (3) A third letter from ... B. 1737.

Minister of the Church of England, The. Rev. Joseph Waterland. The reason- ableness of putting the laws in strict ex- ecution for restraining the exercise of worldly employments on the Lord's day ... By . . . L. 1702.

Minister of the Church of England, A. Rer. Wills. Remarks on Meth- odism ... By . . . L. 1813.

Minister of the Church of Scotland, A. Ralph Erskini'. Gospel canticles; or, spiritual songs . . By . . . Edinb. 1720.

Minister of the Church of Scotland, A. Robert Findlaij, D.D. A persuasive to the enlargement of psalmody . . . By . . . Glasgow, 1763.

Minister of the Church of Scotland, A. Andretv R. Bonar. Presbyterian liturgies . . By . . . Erlinb. 18.08.

Minister of the Church of Scotland, A. Rev. Alexander Moncrieff. The prop- er, true, and supreme deity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, proved . . . from the Holy Scriptures. By . . Edinb. 1730.

Minister of the Church of Scotland, A. John Cnmming, D.D. A short state of the origin and nature of the present divisions in the Church of Scotland. By . . . L. 1840.

Minister of the Established Church, A. Rev- Henry Duncan. Statement and representation respecting the parochial schoolmasters of Scotland ... By . . . 1825.

Minister of the Gospel, A. Rev. Herman Snow. Incidents of personal ex- perience . . . By ... B. 1852.

Minister of the Gospel, A. James Clark. A new year's gift ; or, the Chris- tian's pocket-book ... By . . . Edinb. 1703.

Minister of the Gospel, A. Rev. William Thorn. Seasonable advice to the landholders and farmers in Scotland : a sermon ... By . . . Edinb. 1770.

Minister of their Parish, The. Rev. William OInbhe, LL.D. An address to the lower classes of his parishioners on the subject of Methodism, from . . By . . . L. 1806.

Minnie at Home, ifarij A. Dunham.

Minto, Nina. Emma Eleanor (^Hislop) EUiot-Murraij-Kgni/nmound, Countess of Minto. Life and letters of Sir Gilbert Eliot, first Earl of Minto, from 1751 to 1806. L. 1874.

Mirabel, Doctor. The Duke of Marl- borough. — ^ee "The High German Doctor."

Miso-Dolos. Charles Leslie. The good old cause ; or, lying in truth ... L. 1710.

Miso Sarum, Gregory. Jonathan Swifl, D.D. A preface to the B — p of

S--r m's introduction to the third

volume of the History of the Reforma- tion of the Church of England. By . . . L. 1713.

Missionaries of the A.B.C.F.M., Gaboon Station, Western Africa, The. /. M. Preston and J. Bert. Gram-