Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/200

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Cauldwell, Ike Rcid. Ike Reid. An American humorist of the day, of Now York City.

Gaunter, Rer. Jolin Hobart, B.D.

A London Clergi/man.

See "I. and'P.," First Series, p. 382.

Causten, James H. ^1 Citizen of Baltimore. Xn. American lawyerC?) ; spent ninny yi'ors at Washington, press- ing the payment of the Frendi claims.

Causton, Heury Kent Staple. //. A". iS". C. An English writer on an- gling.

Cavada, Col. F. F. ^1 Prisoner of War. An ^Vmerican soldier in the late civil war.

Cavan, George. Oeorge.

Cave, Edward. Edward Cane, jun.; R. Newton ; S'/lvanus Urban, of Alder- manburi/. Cent.

See "I and P.," First Series, p. 382.

Cave, Mrs. Ed-ward, -1751. Sii Urban.

'* From one of the ' Poetical Epistles,' it ap- pears that his wife [Edward Cavt-'s] was named Milton, and her lirst husband Newton."

Cawdell, AVilliam. An Amateur. An English musician.

Cecil, James, 1st Marquis of Salis- bury, 1748-1823. The Lord Chamber- lain. An English nobleman; the son of the 6th earl of Salisbury; lord chamber- lain of H.M.'s. household, 1783-1804 ; d. at his seat at Theobalds, near Hatfield, Herts.

CecU, Rev. Richard, 1748-1810. A Minister. An English clergyman; b. in London ; educ. at Oxford ; presented to the livings of Chobham and Bisley, in Surrey, 1800 ; was distinguished as a preacher, and for his skill in music and painting.

Celesia, Dorothea (Mallet), 1738- 90. A Lady. An English poet and dramatist, daughter of David Mallet the poet ; in early life she was married to Signer Pietro Paolo Celesia, a Genoese patrician; from 1759 she resided with her husband chiefly in Italy ; d. at Genoa. The pseudonym will be found in "I. and P."

Cennlc^s, John. .7. C. An English clergyman of the eighteenth century; at one time of Readings, Berks.

Centlivre, Susannah Freeman, 1667 (?) -1723. R. 3L ; Susanna Carroll. An actress and dramatist ; daughter of a Mr. Freeman, of I-Iolbeach, Lincoln- shire, who removed to Ireland, where she is supposed to have been born ; about 1706 she married Joseph Centlivre, prin- cipal cook to Queen Anne and George I., and lived with him till her death, in

Buckingliam Court, Spring Gardens, where her husband resided, 1712-24.

Chads, Sir Henry Ducie, 1788(?)- 1868. An Old Follower. An English naval officer, son of Captain Henry Chads ; entered the navy in 1803, and became admiral 1803, and G.C.B. in 1865 ; the latter years of his life were passed at Southsea, where(?) he died.

Chadwick, Henry, 1824-. Cliad.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 382.

Challice, Mrs. Annie Emma (Arm- strong), 1821-75. l>r. Ch'illice. An English autlior ; b. and d. in London ; wife of Dr. John Challice ; was remark- able for wit and graceful manners.

Challoner, Et. Rev. Richard, D.D. Philalethes ; R. C.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 382.

Chalmers, George, 1742-1825. The Editor of the " Beauties of Fox, North and Burke " ; Aurelius.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 382.

Chamberlain, Rt. Hon. Joseph, 1836-. Joseph ; Mr. Daniel Greed,/, M.F. An English politician ; b. in London ; educ. in that city, and was in business at Birmingham till 1874 ; M.P. for that city, 1876-86, and for West Birming- ham, 1887, when he withdrew from the Gladstone party ; has contributed since articles to the " Fortnightly Review."

Chamberlain, Mrs. M. H. Carrie Carlton. An American poet of the day.

Chamberlain, Rev. Nathan Henry. N. H. C. ; Listener ; Shawmut. An Amer- ican clergyman; Harv. Coll., 1833; in 1887 Episcopal minister at East Boston, Mass.

Chamberlain, Rev. Thomas. T. C. An English clergyman ; Christ Church, Oxford, 1831 ; vicar of St. Thomas Mar- tyr, Oxford, 1842-87 ; Hon. canon of Christ Church, Oxford, 1882-87.

Chambers, Mrs. Anne(?). A. C. A Scottish (?) writer; wife of Robert Chambers.

Chambers, Sir Charles Harcourt. C. An English colonial jurist; one of the judges of Bombay; barrister-at-law of Lincoln's Inn.

Chambers, Ephraim, about 1680- 1740. ^'1 Society of Gentlemen. An Eng- lish writer; b. at Kendal, of Quaker parents ; at London the author of the " CyclopaBdia " ; d. at Canonbury House, Islington, and buried in the cloister of Westminster Abbey.

Chambers, G. H. One who for more than thirty years has dealt largely in money. An English bankerC?).