Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/201

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Cbambers, George Frederick, 1841-. O. F. C. An English lawyer; b. in Lon- don; educ. at King's Coll., London; called to the bar at the Inner Temple, 1806; a member of the Southeastern circuit, and an assistant of the Local Government Board, ia72.

Chambers, John David, M . A . ^1 Lay- man ; A Lai/man of the English Church.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 382.

Chambers, Robert, LL.l)., 1802-71. R. G.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 382.

Chambers, William, LL.D., 1800-83. W. C; Her Master.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 383.

Chambers, William and Robert. W. ,V R. C.

See "I. and P.," First Series, pp. 382,383.

Chamier, C. F. O. F. V. An Eng- lish colonial writer.

Champficld, . Captain Cloak- bag. An English writer of the middle of the seventeenth century.

Champlin, Edwin Ross, 1854-. Buxton West. An American writer; in 1886 resident at Westerly, R.I. ; con- tributor to the " Literary "World."

Champselx, Mme. Leonie (Berat). Andre Lio. A French novelist; widow of Gregoire Champseix, who d. in 1863. " Andre Leo," the names of her two sons.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 383.

Chandler, Joseph Ripley, 1792-1880. J. B. C; The Editor of the U. 8. Gazette. An eminent American lawyer ; b. at Kingston, Plymouth Co., Mass. ; was for ' many years a resident of Philadelphia, at one time its M.C., and editor of the " United States Gazette," and d. there.

Chandler, Peleg Whitman. A Lay- man ; A Member of the Boston Bar.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 383.

Chandler, Samuel, D.D., 1693-1766. A Gentleman who was present at both Con- ferences. An eminent English dissenter; b. at Hungerford in Berks. ; educ. at the academy at Bridgewater, and at Leyden ; co-pastor and pastor at the Old Jewry, London, 1720-66.

Chandler, WiUiam Eaton, 183S-. Civilization. An American statesman; b. in Concord, N.H. ; Harv. Law School, 1855 ; settled in his native city ; secretary of the United States Navy, 1882-84; United States senator, 1887-.

Channing, Richard. A Clergyman. An English dissenter of the seventeenth century.

Channing, Walter, M.D., 1786-1876. W. C. ; The Patient; A Physician. An eminent American physician ; b. at New-

port, R.I. ; educ. at Ilarv. Univ. ; became professor in his alma mater, while prac- tising his profession in Berlin, where he died.

Channiug, William Ellery, D.D. Un Frriraiii Aiiii-rlniin ; C. See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 383. Channing, Rev. William Henry, 1810-84. IF. IL C. An American clergyman; b. in Boston; Ilarv. Univ., 1829 ; Divinity Scliool, 1833 ; after preaching many years in the United States he went to England, and in 1857 he became the successor of the Rev. James Martineau, at Liverpool ; his lat- ter years were chiefly passed in Eng- land ; d. in London.

Chao Phya Thlpakon. A Siamese Minister of State.

Chapard, Francis G. P. G. C. An American sailor.

Chapln,AlonzoBowen,D.D. A. B.C. See " I. and P.," Series, p. 383. Chaplin, Heman W. C. H. White. An American author of the day.

Chaplin, Jane Dunbar. Hyla. An American writer of the day.

Chapman, . A Late Dignified

Clergyman. An English clergyman, of the Abbey Church at Bath.

Chapman, Alfred F. Grand High Priest of the Grand Arch Chapter of ifassachusetts. An eminent American Freemason of Boston ; in 1887 an insur- ance agent in that city.

Chapman, Charles C. C. C. O. An American publisher of Chicago, 111.

Chapman, Miss Jane Frances. A Ladij. An English translator.

Chapman, John, D.D., 1704-84. PhilobiblicHs Cantabrigiensis. An Eng- lish clergyman; b. at Strathfieldsay(?), Hampshire ; educ. at Eton and Cam- bridge ; archdeacon of Sudbury, and treasurer of Chichester; d. at Mersham, Kent, where he was rector from 1744.

Chapman, John A. ./. A. Mercafor. An American poet of the day, of the South.

Chapman, Miss Mary Francis, 1838- 84. J". C. Ayrton. An English novelist ; b. at Dublin ; educ. at Staplehurst, Kent, Eng. ; d. at Old Charlton.

Chapman, Rev. Richard. The Vicar of Cheshunt. An English clergyman of the first part of the eighteenth century.

Chappie, WUIiam, 1718-81. Devoni- ensis. An English topographer; b. at Witheridge, in Devonshire; from about 1742 he was secretary of the Devon and Exeter Hospital for nearly forty years ; d. at Exeter.