Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/25

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B . Bunburi/. Cabin conver- sations, etc. L. 1830.

B . E . Edmund Burke. —

See "F , Mr."

B G . Bishop George Gleig.

Life of John Knox. " Gent. Mag.," June, 1814, p. 545.

B — d, Sir J . Sir John Barnard.

B — e, E — d. Ediimnd Burke. The honor of the university of Oxford de- fended against the . . . aspersions of . . ., etc. 1788.

B — g, A — 1. Admiral Bi/ng. A further address to the publiclc, contain- ing genuine copies of all the letters which have passed between . . . and the s[ecre- ta]ry of the A[dmiral]ty [John Cleve- land], etc. L. 1757.

B— g— d, T. T/wmas Bedingfield. Poems, by ... , Esq., of the Inner Temple. L. 1800.

B — ^1. Ci/rus Augustus Bartol, in the " Christ. Exam." (B.).

B — ^11, E — ce. Eustace Budgell. An answer from Lord ***** jn Ireland to a letter sent by ... , Esq., in England. L. 1718.

B — m, H — Id. Harald Bostrom. Julklappen. lUustr. tillfallighetslidning utgifveu af. 1884.

B — n. Buckminster Brown, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), XLIV., 147.

B^n, E. Ernst Beckman. A Swed- ish journalist and miscellaneous writer.

B — n, J. Rev. Joseph Berington. Prin- ciples of Roman Catholics vindicated. "Gent. Mag.," November, 1787, pp. 955, 1(56.

B — p. George Washington Burnap, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.).

B — s. Eenry Whitney Bellows, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.).

B — t. Samuel Barrett, D.D., in the "Christ. Exam." (B.).

B— t, Mr. Rev. William Bisset. Mr. B — t's recantation, in a letter to the Rev- erend Dr. Henry Sacheverell ... L. 1711.

B — y, D-. Dr. George Berkeley. A vindication of . . . from the scandalous imputation of being author of a late book entitled " Alciphron ; or, the minute phil- osopher . . ." 1734. Cooper, Anthony Ashley, 3d Earl of Shaftesbury.

B— y, Miss M. and Bliss A. Miss Mary and Miss Agnes Berry. Reminis- cences, written in 1778, for the amuse- ment of . . . L. 1805. By Horace Wal- pole. Earl of Orford.

Bachelor of Divinity, A. Edward Bouverie Pusey. Subscription to the thirty-nine articles. Questions ... by a bachelor of divinity [E. B. Pusey], with

answers by a resident member of convo- cation [Edward Hawkins, D.D.] and brief notes . . . by . . . Oxf. 1833.

Balak. Gilbert Burnet, in Dryden's •' Absalom and Achitophel."

Balance, A., Esq., of the Sliddle Temple. Thomas Binney, D.D. Leices- ter gaol. 1841.

Baliol, Martha Bethune. Harriet Skene. The diary of . . . from 1763 to 1754. L. 1853.

Banker, A. L. Bull. Relation of the church covenant to church finances, by . . . n.p., n.d. [1879].

Banker-Poet, The. Samuel Rogers.

Barbler, C. Madame C. B. Barbg. L'ange de la maison. Rouen, 1858,

Bard, The. Thomas Gray. The Boe- tonian prophet : an heroi-comico-serious- periodical-pindaric ode, in imitation of ... L. 1779.

Bard of the Imagination, The. Mark Akenside.

Bard of the Wrekin, A. Home.

Signature to poems in the country papers. — See "Gent. Mag.," A^ol. LXVIII., p. 992.

Bard of Twickenham. Alexander Pope.

Bard of Wiltshire, The. Stephen Buck.

Barebones. John Gardiner. An es- say of his elicited from a Roman Catho- lic priest — one John Thayer — some strictures to which Mr. Gardiner re- plied under this signature.

Baring, Sandy. Alexander Baring, Lord Ashburton. — See " Eraser," Vol. I., p. 497.

Barker, Liaura. Mrs. Tom Taylor.

Barlow, Enrico Clark. Seiiry Clark Barlow. Opere Dantesohe del Cavaliere Dottore ... L. 1872.

Barnivelt, Esdras, Apoth. Alexan- der Pope. A key to the lock . . . Lon- don, 1718.

In this work, published shortly after " The Rape of the Locli," the author pronounced the latter poem a satire upon Queen Anne and the Barrier Treaty. The " key " has also been as- cribed to Dr. John Arbuthnot.

Barock, Paul. C. H. Rydberg. Krimskrams. Sthlm. 1854.

Baron, Marie le. Mrs. Bielby.

Barrister, A. D. Douglas. The bio- graphical history of Sir William Black- stone, etc. By . . . 1782.

Barrister, A. Frederick Green. Es- tate management . . . With a legal sup- plement by . . . L. 1879.

Barrister, A. Henry Coleman Fotkard. Every man his own lawyer. L. 1882.

Barrister, A. Right Hon. Spencer