Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/26

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Perceval. A review of the arguments in favor of the continuance of impeach- ments notwithstanding a dissolution. By . . . L. 1791.

Barrister, A. William. Roberts. The portraiture of a Christian gentleman. By . . . L. 1820.

Barrister, A. David Leahij. A re- view of the principal facts connected with the . . . recent state persecutions in Ire- land ... By . . . L. 1845.

Barrister, A. Melville Madison Bige- low. Kliymes of . . . B. 1884.

Barrister, A. Thomas Hallie Dela- mayne. The rise and practice of im- prisonment. By . . . L. 1772.

Barrister, A. Sir Stafford Henry Northcole, 1st Earl of Iddlesleigh. A short review of the navigation laws of Eng- land ... By . . . L. 1849.

Barrister, A. John Reeves. Two tracts shewing that Americans born be- fore the independence are, by the law of England, not aliens . . . By ... L. 1814. Barrister-at-latv, A. Samuel War- ren. The opium question as between nation and nation. B . . . L. 1840.

Barrister-at-la'w, A. Joseph Simp- son. Reflections on the natural and ac- quired endowments requisite for the study of the laAv . . . By . . . L. 1764.

Barrister-at-law of Lincoln's Inn, A. Thomas Denman. A legal argument on the statute 1st William and Mary, Chapter 18, intitled " An act for exempt- ing their Majesties' Protestant subjects . . . from the penalties of certain laws ..." By ... L. 1812.

Barrister of the Middle Temple, A. Holkar ilegqinon. The sponge . . . By ... L. 18.31.

Barrister of the Temple, A. George Wharton Marriott. Toleration act ex- plained. An answer to a legal argument, [by Thomas Denman], etc. L. 1812. Bartolo. John Fraser.

B;isanistes. Vicars.

Basil. Richard Ashe King. (1) Love the debt ; Wearin' o' the green ; and A coquette's conquest. L. 1882-8.5. — (2) A shadowed life. L. 1886.

Basilicus, Seborcus. Thomas Ash- ton. A letter to the Rev. Dr. M[orell], on the question of electing aliens into the vacant places in Eton College. By ... L. 1771.

Basket-maker Poet, The. Thomas Miller.

Batavian Grace. Alexander .Tames Reresfnrd-Hope. — See " Bo'sun, The."

Bate, Parson. Rev. Sir Henry Bate /Dudley.

Bayes. .Tohn Dryden, in George Val- uers' Duke of Buckingham's farce of " The Reliearsal."

Baudrier, Sieur de. Jonathan Swift.

Baylor, Miss F. C. Mrs. Fanny Courtenai/ Baylor Belger. A popular contributor to " Lippincott's Mag."

Bayonet, Bryan, of the First Regi- ment of Guards. John Henley. The Hyp doctor. [By B. B., etc.]

Bays. Charles Montagu, Earl of Hali- fax. The mouse grown a rat; or, the story of the city and country mouse newly transpos'd ; in a discourse betwixt Bays, Johnson, and Smith. 1702.

A party tr.ict, attacking Halifax's political conduct under the name of " Bays."

Beauclerk, Liady Di. Lady Diana de Vere Beauclerk. True love. L.

Beaufort, Emily A. Emily Anne Beaufort Smythe, Yiscountess Strangford. Egyptian shrines and sepulchres . . . By ... L. 1861.

Beaumont, Averil. Mrs. Margaret (Raine') Hunt.

Beauvoir, Roger de. Edouard Roger de Bulli/. Ruysch ; eine hoUandische gesehichte aus dem siebenzehnten jahr- hundert. In Zitz-Halein, K.

Beoker, Sophie. Agnes Sophie (Beck- er) Schiciirz. Vor hundert jahren ; Elise von der Becker's reisen durch Deutsch- land, 1784-86 . . . Stuttg. 1884.

Becky, Aunt. Mrs. Sarah A . Falmer. Autobiography. N.Y. 1868.

Bede, Augustin. Henry Major. Letters to an Episcopalian on . . . the book of common prayer. Bait. 1859.

Bee, Auntie. Mrs. Bertha H. Bux- ton. Rosabella. L. 1877.

Bee, Jay. Jahez Bunting. A brotherly epistle addressed to Mr. . . . the " Master Mind . . ." L. 1852.

Beethoven, Bronze, " a Ijooker- On." Rev. John Turner Sargent. The crisis of Uniturianism . . . By ... B. 1859.

Belacee. B. W. Lacy. 1868.

Belani, H. E. R. Karl Ludwig Ed- berlin. Russische hofgeschichten, von Peter dem grosscn bis Katharina II. ; his- torische novellen und lebends bilder. Leipzig, 1856.

Belfield. Rev. Percival Stockdale. This character in Miss Burney's " Ceci- lia " is said to have been drawn from the "animated, ingenious, and eccentric Per- cival Stocltdale."

Believer, A. A. B. Woods. Me- shuUam; or, tidings from Jerusalem. From the journal of . . . P. 1851.

Believer, A. Darius Forbes. Uni-