Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/303

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killed on board the United States steamer Princeton.

Upton, Francis Henry, -1878. The Advocate for the Captors. An American lawyer; LL.B. at Harv. Univ. Law School, 1835.

Urban, Josepb. ./. Asper.

Urmston, Sir James B. A Late Member of the Honourable East India Company's Civil Service at Canton.

Urquhart, David. A Protestant.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 576.

Usher, James. J. U.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 576.

Utterson, Edward Vernon. E. V. U.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 576.

Uzanne, Octave. Un Bibliophile. A French editor and author of the day.


Vastberg, Mrs. Anna (Anderson), 1832-. Anna A. A Swedish novelist and poetess.

Valpy, Rev. Edward, B.D. E. V.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 577.

Valpy, Francis H. Diganima. An English writer of the day on shorthand.

Valpy, Richard, D.D., F.A.S. R. V.

See "I. and P.," First Series, p. 577.

Van Biiren, Martin, 1782-1862. The Little Magician. An American politi- cian ; b. and d. at Kinderhook ; presi- dent of the United States, 1837-41.

Van Cott, J. M. J. M. V. C. An American writer of the day.

Van Crowninshield, Jerome. A Citizen of J/assachusetts. An American writer; at one time mayor of Boston; afterwards resided and d. in New York City.

Van Dyke, Henry Jackson, Jr., 1852-. I/i'iiri/ Vane. An American cler- gyman ; b. in Germantown, Penn. ; New Jersey Coll., 1873 ; in 1886 resident in New York City.

Van Rensselaer, Stephen, LL.D., 1764-1839. The Fatroon. An American soldier and statesman ; b. in New York ; in 1824 he founded the Rensselaer Insti- tute at Troy, N.Y., and was chancellor of the State univ.

Vanbrugh, Sir John, 1666-1726. R. B. B. Sheridan. An English dramatist; b. and d. in London ; was an architect as well as author, and was surveyor of the works at Greenwich Hospital from 1716.

Vanderpool, William. Vicentius Lirinensis.

Vane, Anne Vane, Viscountess. Ladij Frail; A Ladi] of Quality. An English- woman of the eighteenth century.

Vapereau, IiouisGustave, 1819-,and Tourneux, Maurice. G. M. Valtour. — Vapereau, L. G. A French biographer ;

b. at Orleans ; was admitted an advocate in 1854 ; the chief editor of a " General Dictionary of Contemporary Biography."

Varnham, Mrs. R. G. A Lady. An American novelist of Boston(?).

Vasey, Mrs. Mary Jane. Bis Widow. An English lady ; widow of Thomas Vasey.

Vaughan, Thomas. Eugenins Phila- lethes; Edwin. An English writer early in the eighteenth century.

Vaux, C. Bowyer. Dot. An Amer- ican writer of the day on boating.

Vawter, J. B. Sergeant Oats. An American soldier in the late civil war.

Veal, George. Joel Collier; Joel Col- lier Redivivus. A musical writer of one hundred years ago.

Vedder, Ellhu, 1836-. The Pagan. An American artist; b. in New York City; studied in Italy; then opened a studio in his native city; but in 1885 was a resident of Rome.

Veiteh, John, M.D. ./. V. A Scot- tish surgeon ; assistant-surgeon to the 54th Regiment of Foot, and member of the Medical Society at Edinburgh ; served with the army in Egypt under General Abercrombie.

Vernon, Admiral Edward. A Cer- tain Eminent British Sailor ; Adm. V n; Old Grog.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 578.

Very, Jones, 1813-80. J. V. An American poet; b. and d. in Salem, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1836 ; resided in his native town.

Very, I/ydia Louisa Ann. L.L.A. V. An American poet ; sister of Jones and Washington Very.

Very, Washington, 1815-53. W. V. An American poet ; brother of Jones Very ; b. and d. in Salem, Mass. ; Harv. Coll., 1843; Divinity School, 1846; he preached for a year, and then taught a