Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/304

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private school in his native city till his death.

Vettergpund, Mrs. Josephina Vll- belmiua (Lundberg), 1830-. Lea. A Swedish novelist and miscellaneous writer.

Vicars, . Basanistes.

Vlckstrom, Prof. V. H. Christer Swahn. A Swedish professor and novel- ist.

Vidal, Jerome Ldon (1797), and Slg- nol, Alphonse, -1830. Sir Hudson Lowe. French editors and writers.

Vigor, Mme. (Ward Rondeau).

line Dame anqlaise.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 578.

Villiers, George, 2d Duke of Buck- ingham, 1627-88. A Person of Honour ; Bub. An English nobleman ; b. in Lon- don; educ. at Christ Church, Oxford; about 1670 he founded the ministry

called the " Cabal " ; d. at Kirkby Moor- side.

  • ' A man bo various, that be aeem'd to be

Not one, but all mankind's epitome. Stiif in opinions, always in the wrong. He's everything by starts, and nothing long; But in the course of one revolving moon Was chymist, fiddler, statesman, and buffoon." Drydbw.

Villinger, Hermine. H. Willfried. A German novelist of the day.

Vincent, . Un Memhre du Con-

yres Amiricain. A French writer of Rouen.

Vinell, Mrs. Slgrid (Lidberg), 1848- 1885. Valfrid Grane. A Swedisii novel- ist.

VoUmer, W. F. A. Br. Morvell. A German novelist.

Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de, Docteur Good Natur'd Wellwisher.

See "I. and P,," First Series, p. 579.


Wachter, Georg Phlllpp Ludwig Ijeonhard, 1762-1837. Veil Weber. A German litterateur ; b. at tjlzen ; studied tlieology at Gottingen ; in 1792 entered the Hannover army ; in 1798 became a teacher at Hamburg ; his " Wilhelm Tell " appeared in 1804, before that of Schiller.

Waddell, Peter Hately, LL.D. A Probationer of the Free Church of Scotland.

Wade, John. The Editor of " The Cabinet Lawijer" ; Thomas Fielding.

See " I. aiid P.," First Series, p. 580.

Wade, R. W. W. C. An English writer.

Wagstaflfe, WiUiam, M.D. A Free- holder.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 580.

Walbel, Aloys Adalbert. Theophilus iVflk. A German writer.

Wainwright, John Howard. — See " Rice, G. E., and AV., J. H."

Wainwright, Jonathan Mayhew, D.D., 1793-1854. A Presbijter of the Diocese of Massachusetts. An American Episcopal clergyman ; b. at Liverpool, England; Harv. Univ., 1812; bishop of New York, 1852-54; d. in New York City.

Waliefleld, . Alpha. An Eng- lish poet.

Wakefield, Priscilla (Bell). Vne Anr/laise.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 580.

Waldenstrom, Per Paul. P. W.

A Swedish professor and author of re- ligious books.

Waldie, George. G. W. A Scottish writer.

Waldmiiller, Robert. jSduard Duboc.

Waldo, Leonard. The Astronomer in Charge of the Horological and Thermo- metrical Seaureaus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 580.

Walford, Cornelius, -1885. Junius. An English lawyer and literary anti- quary ; was called to the bar somewhat late in life; spent much time in literary work ; d. at his residence in South Hampstead.

Walford, Edw^ard. Mus Busticus.

See " I. and P.," First Series, p. 580.

Walford, J. A Member of the Bourne Family. An English biog- rapher.

Walford, J. H. " Detached Badger " of" The Field." An English writer on angling and floating flies.

Walker, ■. Eubante. An Irish (?)

writer on education, of one hundred years ago.

Walker, Eev. Edward Ashley. The Chaplain of the Begiment. An American clergyman; chaplain of the First Reg- iment Connecticut Volunteer Heavy Artillery.

Walker, Miss Emmeline Lisle. Les- ter Lisle.