Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/93

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Krick. Elihu Burritt.

Krinebol, le voyageur. Laurent Angliviel de la Beaumelle. Les amours de Zeokinizul (Louis-Quinze) . . . Amster- dam, 1746.

See Qu^rard, Vol. II., pp. 464, 456; also for key to " Zeokinizul."

Kringle, Karl. J. P. Buckner. The Hoosier doctor. A medicated story. Columbus, 0., 1881.

KuU von KUl. Alexander McGrew, in his letters to various Western periodi- cals,

£. John Sterling. (1) Carlyle's works. " Westminster Rev.," 1839, p. 1. — (2) Montaigne and his writings. " London and Westminster Rev.," Au- gust, 1838, p. 321. — (3) Simonides. " Westminster Rev.," December, 1838, p. 99.

li. Alvan Lamson, in the " Christ. Exam."

Ij. William Parsons hunt, in the " Christ. Exam.," XXXIII., 56.

li. James Lenox. Curiosities of American literature, in Norton's " Liter- ary Register," 1853 or 1854.

Li. Thomas Laijcocl-. The medical police of the United Kingdom. " West- minster Rev.," March, 1846, p. 56.

Li. William Petti/, Marquis of Lans- downe. Monument for Howard. "Gent. Mag.," May, 1791, p. 395.

L., Mr. Baron. Mr. Baron Lovel. Charge to the grand jury for the County of Devon, the 6th of April, 1710, at the Castle of Exon ... L. 1710. By Jona- than Swift.

li., A. Alvan Lamson, in the " Christ. Exam."

Li., A. A. Abiel Abbot Liverviore, in the "Christ. Exam." (B.), 1851.

Ii., C. Sir Charles Lemon, 2d Bart. A letter . . . on . . . the Dunstanville fund . . . Truro, 1837.

Ij., D. David Laing. Abbotsford club. A list of the members, etc. Ed- ited by . . . Edinb. 1886.

L., E. Edward Lovibond. His signa- ture to No. 82 in the " World," July 25, 1754.

He also wrote Nos. 93, 94, 132, and 134 with- out signature.

L., E. Emma Lewis. Night watches ; or, the peace of the cross. P. 1853.

Ii., G. George Lunt. (1) The death race. "Amer. Monthly Mag.," April, 1829, p. 39. — Specimen of a canto, Octo- ber, 1829, p. 483. — Eraser's burial, No- vember, 1829, p. 566. — (2) Signature to poetrv in the "United States Literary Gazette" (B.), IS'JO.

Ii., G. George Livermore, in the "Christ. Exam."

Ii., G. H. George Henry Lewes. (1) Authors and managers. " Westminster Rev.," January, 1842, p. 71. — (2) Charges against Niebuhr. " Westminster Rev.," October, 1843, p. 335. — (3) Errors and abuses of English criticism. " West- minster Rev.," October, 1842, p. 466. — (4) French drama. " Westminster Rev.," September, 1840, p. 287. — (5) Modern French historians. " West- minster Rev.," October, 1841, p. 273. — (6) Percy Bysshe Shelley. " West- minster Rev.," April, 1841, p. 303.— (7) The prize comedy and the prize com- mittee. " Westminster Rev.," Septem- ber, 1844, p. 105. — (8) Recent trage- dies. " Westminster Rev.," April, 1842, p. 321. — (9) The Roman Empire and its poets. " Westminster Rev.," July, 1842, p. 33. — (10) Shakespeare and his editors. " Westminster Rev.," March, 1845, p. 40. — (11) Spinoza's life and works. " Westminster Rev.," May, 1843, p. 372. — (12) Strafford and the histori- cal drama. " Westminster Rev.," March, 1844, p. 119.

Ii., H., Gentleman. Henri/ Lok. Ecclesiastes ; otherwise called the preacher, Bj' ... L. 1597.

Ii., H. W. Henri/ W. Longfellow. (1) The approach of spring. From the French. " New England Mag.," Vol. IV., p. 410. — (2) Night's revealings. From the ancient Sclavonian of Hans Hammergaffstein. By ... B. 1850. — See "Greenwood, Grace." — (3) Signa- ture to poetry in the "United States Lit- erary Gazette " (B.), 1824-26.

Ii., J. Joseph Lovering, in the " Christ. Exam."

Ii., J. John Longmuir, M.D. Stra- tology; or, soldier worship, n.p. 1870.

Ii., J. P. ./. P. Leslei/. Catalogue of the American Philosophical Society Li- brary. P. 1863.

Ii., J. R. John B. Lei/child. Corn- wall ; its mines and miners ... By . . .