Page:Initials and pseudonyms, second series (Cushing).djvu/94

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L. 1855. Also liis signature in the "Encyclopaedia Bi-itannica," 8th edition, pp. 219-49, to the article " Mines and JNIining."

Li., J. W. ./. W. Lawson. Brocklcy Mnor. N.Y. 1874.

]j. L. ,]fichavl Wodhull. He was a frequent correspondent of the " Gent. Mag.," chiefly under the final letters of Ills name " L. L."

1j., J-i. L. L. L. Lum-'en. Minnen frau skolan och universitetct. Sthlm. 1877.

Ij., R. Rev. linger Ijnirence. Dis- senters, and other unauthorized baptisms null and void ... By . . . L. 1712.

Li., S. Samuel Lonijfelloiv, in the " (jlirist. Exam.," XXXIX., 191.

Li. S. E. Mii'hael Aw/nstus (jnthercole. (1) The church of Christ. What is it ^ wiiere is it ? and how may we know it ? By... L. 1863.— (2) A remonstrance addressed to the . . . Bishop of London . . . L. 1834. — (3) Reply to . . . twenty- four strong reasons why the author . . . does not liecome a Dissenter. L. 1840.

Li., S. K. iS'tiiiiiel Kiikland Lothroji, in the " Glirist. Exam."

Lj., T. Tliomris Lewis. A modest vin- dication of the Church of England from the scandal of jiopery. L. 1710. — (2) The scourge ; in vindication of the Church of England ... L. 17:^0.

Ij., V. AV---. C. r. Le (irire. Tripos verses in the " Classical Journal." 1812.

Li., W. William Lauder, on Milton's imitation of the moderns, in " Gent. Mag.," pp. 24, 82, 189, :i85, 363. L. 1747.

Lj., W. B. William B. Lapham. Bar Harbor and Mount Desert Island. N.Y. 1886.

L;., W. P. William Parsons f^unl, in the " Christ. Exam."

TjLi.B. of Harvard College, A, Sometime Commonor of 9Iagdalen Hall, Oxford. William Alexander Rich. The English universities, in the " Nortli American Review." An essay by . . . Albany, 1854.

Li ce, aiiss Elizabeth. Miss

ElizahetlL Lmrrpticp.

L She, H S., Esq.

Herrnlc^ Lciifjrishe. The substance of a speech made by . . . Dublin, 1772.

Li**. .1//K. Hannah F. {Sniri/er') Lee, in the " Christ. Exam."

Li**g, C. Misa Concordia Lofoinq. Nordiska skymningssagor. Sthlm. 1871.

Ij , Lady. Lady Li/ons. L. 1847.

li — g. Bailey Loring, in the " Christ. Exam."

Li — ne, Lord. George Ciranville, Lord Lansdowne. The genuine speech of . . . against repealing the occasional and schism bills, L, 1719.

L — p — . Samuel Kirkland Lotlirop^ D.I)., in the "Christ. Exam."

Li — tt — n, E — m — d. Edmund Litton. Philosopliical conjectures on aerial in- fluences ... By . . . L. 1747.

Tj**, B**. Tmuis Narcisse Baudry des Ldzii'res. Voyage k la Louisianc . . . 1794 a 1798 . . . par . . . Paris, 1802.

Labourer's L>aHghter, A. Barbara II. Furiinknr. Female education . . . By ... L. 1851. — The pearl of days . . . By . . . L. 1848.

Labruyere. A. P. L>. A. Alillaud. Physiologies parissiennes : dessins de Cavan d'Ache. Paris, 18 — .

Laco. Stephen Iligginson.

" Among the most tenacious political oppo- nents of John Hancocli, was Stephen Hjggineou, u neivouB writer of great spirit, whose articles signed ' Laco,',in Kussell's ' Ceutine],' effected a strong feeling. Mr. Iligginson was a merchant on Long wharf , and passed down State Street to his store. The truckmen who i-lood in State Street used great efforts to te:u-h a parrot, that hung in a cage at the corner of Merchants' Row, to recognize 'Laco,' and to curse him; and so completely successful were they, that pretty Poll no sooner saw Mr. Higginson approach, than she began to 'Hurrah for Hancock! Down with Laco I ' and continued to do so till he was out of sight."

Lacretelle le jeune. Napoleon et Lucien Bonu/Hir/.e. Parralle entre Cc'sar, Cromwell, Monck et Napole'on. Paris, 1800.

Lady, A. i/iss Sura H. Browne. A book for the eldest daughter. By . . . B. 1849.

Ladj', A. ilrs. R. G. Varnham. Bos- ton Common : a, tale . . By . . . 1856.

In " I. and P." ascribed to Mrs. Farrar.

Lady, A. Mrs. Eliza (Rulrh) Farrar. The children's Robinson Crusoe ... By ... B. 1830.

Lady, A. Lady Lees. Effie's and the doctor's tales. L. 1854.

Lad.y, A. Jlrs. Mary Astell. An es- say in defence of the female sex . . . By ... L. 1703.

Lady, A. Mrs. Elizabeth Btmliofc. Feeling . . a . . . poem . . . By ... L. 1810.

Lady, A. Mrs. Eliza Ann (Miinroe) Bacon. The fruit of the spirit; or, the Christian graces. By ... B. 1842.

Lady, A. Miss A. F. Ohilde. Good out of evil ; or, the history of Adjai, the African slave-boy. By . . . 1850.

Lady, A. Mrs. Isabella Bird Bishop. A L.'s life in the Rocky Mountains. N.Y, 1885.