Page:Inquiry into the shipwreck of 'Geffrard' 1875-07-07.djvu/22

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(illegible text) more than fomare? kept the topsaid set 8.30 ? the pumps were primed 4 inches n the well?. There were 90 fathoms of chain both? a riding tackle on. I do not think it would have been advisable to have had 2 anchors down as she had the largest down at fre??. The firtst chain was about a s much to ? . The chain must have parted in a defective place twice the casualty here notice another flaw in the chain at the wide. The chain has recently with the ship 1 1/2 years ago. I chose the anchor w? 15 ? The same chain held the ship in a gale at Champion Bay.  ? went short 4 fathoms where she parted I consider the casualty arose from the evidence of the ? ?. I never left the deck from 1.30 till 11 p.m The ship passed over a bank of rocks and now lays in sand and rocks. The second chain is a 7/8 inch one and the anchor about 13 cwt. The second anchor was let go within 5 minutes after the first chain parted.

sworn 18/5 G.Harris Geo ?ollen Mate "Geffrard"

By oath: I am second mate of the "Geffrard" I was on board when the ship came ashore The chain parted about 7.30 pm I was on deck with the mate winching ? the ship and ? I ? It was at the climax of the storm when the chain parted The ship took a shu? and the sea struck her on the bow when she parted The mate and myself then ran and let go the second anchor the starboard one. It took about 10 minutes to pay out the

          J.G. Bussell