Lojzka. I thank you for this address.
Jerman. Good night! . . .
Lojzka. Good-night. (Leaves.)
Jerman. (Steps over to the workbench. Opens the board and retrieves a picture; speaking very quietly and slowly.) Where are you? . . . We barely meet, I may not recognize you further . . . You only offered me one greeting . . . It is pure thought which follows you . . . Door-knocks are heard. It is pure thought which follows you . . . (Sets the picture on the bench, thoughtful and infested.)
Pastor. (Uncloaks and opens the door.) Evening! (Jerman stands up awake.) Not even the apostle halted, waiting for heretics to call for help.
Jerman. When he arrived, he was greeted with comfort and peace. (Takes a lamp and carries it to the table.) Take a seat!
(The pastor approaches the bench; mother arrives from the right, addressing him, kissing his palm. She makes the table and removes the used dishes, carrying them away. She returns with a white blanket, which she uses to cover the table; then she leaves. Jerman takes the sit facing the pastor.)
Pastor. You are confused for I arrive in funky times.
Jerman. It truly does confuse me.
Pastor. For you thought and still conclude you are now dealing with inquisitors, watching only to move you to the other world.
Jerman. I think so.
Pastor. Thus I have resolved to visit you; to talk to you unlike any other.