Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/57

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(A young farmer steps into the room, sitting firmly by a bar-bench, knocking on the table. The innkeeper arrives; the latter and the housekeeper keep coming and leaving.)

Lojzka. You proclaim we shall smile, and yet you have not reduced your whimpers, your tears of horror.

Jerman. Do leave! You do not fit into the presented company!

Lojzka. There is an inquiry I carry for you.

Jerman. Do question me!

Lojzka. Is it foolish to pray?

Jerman. It is little but a kind thought . . . Arriving at where it is titled. (The two shake hands. Lojzka leaves. Jerman turns around to return to the tables.

At the backside, Komar appears. They come without a hat; their hands rest in their pockets. Stands easily and smiles.)

Komar. (As Jerman goes by.) So you have really tied the tie?

Jerman. (Turns around by the table.) Tie what? Tie Whom?

Komar. (Smiles.) Tied your pouches . . . We've got a hundred and sixty-three by now!

Jerman. . . . Of what?

Komar. We've got 163 signatures . . . I quacked against it; let us wait. Why would we? Not much can be done. The people call for their voice to be heard, they do not like waiting for the recipient. It must be so! I judge we will have three hundred of them or more by tomorrow.

Jerman. Three hundred of what?

Komar. Signatures . . . Probably not banknotes!

Jerman. Who is signing people up?

Komar. They told me to do it . . . So I do! The people are furious; badly provoked. Who would rebel against the