Page:Ivan Cankar - Hlapci.pdf/58

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people? My heart is sorry for you . . . I pity you, truly! It would not be sweet to march up there, into the hills . . .

Jerman. Into the mountains? On Goličava, wherever the clergy abducts the hatches of the tabernacle for a mirror, used to monitor whether the teacher crosses themselves while doing the sacrifice. There? (Takes a step towards the Komar.)

Komar. It seems one has informed you by now . . . You must have readied your cases by now, poor Jerman. Whoever takes a turn to Goličava does not return – as of now, not one has. They forget you, that's it! The people request a parole for a year, two, three . . . Then they finally grow tired of it. The final of them had died years ago; only last year they had noticed this tragedy! If only I could offer you a helping hand . . . If only! What am I to do? The people command; I am only – so to say – an executor of the command of my supervisors! Lastly, question your own will. Have you not caused yourself a fraction of this pain?

Jerman. How dare you! You have gotten so naturalized to the servants? Since ever you've been a smart-head! . . . Take care to preserve your tears and preaches for later; I have little need for such goods – I carry tons of it by now. Farewell! Turns around.

Komar. (Laughing.) Farewell? We shall utter so, comrade, it is us who shall voice you a good bye!

Kalander. (To the Komar.) Why don't you come into our room? You stand by the door, staring, as though you were an officer! (Komar turns away and exits the scene.)

(In the meantime, numerous people – young and old – have gathered. Pisek arrives from the right; heading towards the Jerman's table.)

Pisek. (Is drunk.) Pisek has arrived, sir! People's command, is it not? We'll show them, brownshirts, who is boss,