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All that day and the next she looked with eager impatience for Captain Croome to come to borrow her. She took the Lump for his airings only in the King's Bench Walk lest he should come and find her out. But it was not till ten o'clock on the third day that he appeared.

Pollyooly, her hope of half-crowns burning brightly, ushered him into the sitting-room, where he found the Honorable John Ruffin in his wig and gown, on the point of starting for the Law Courts; and the sight of that comforting attire assured him that he had come to the very man to advise him.

"How are you, Ruffin?" he said warmly. "Seein' that little housekeeper of yours the other day in the park put it into my head that you might be able to give me a tip about a difficult job I'm tryin' to pull off."

"Advice is the one thing I have in unlimited quantities: so I never stint my friends of it," said the Honorable John Ruffin amiably.

"Right," said Captain Croome hopefully. "It's about a lady."

"Stop!" said the Honorable John Ruffin sharply. "In that case the proper course would be to consult