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me through a solicitor. But I'd rather you didn't. As much as I can I avoid divorce court practice; the divorce court is always so full of our friends. But I will just say one thing: don't let the affair come into court at all—not on any account."

"No, no! You've got it wrong—quite wrong," protested Captain Croome hastily. "It isn't a divorce court business at all. In fact, it's just the other way about. I want to get married. I want to marry Lady Grizel Harland, and the Tullislaiths won't hear of it."

"Yes; I gathered from Mrs. Bride's lucid account of her adventure that it was Lady Grizel Harland," said the Honorable John Ruffin.

"Who's Mrs. Bride?" said Captain Croome quickly.

"She's my housekeeper—the little girl who devised the violet process. She is called Mrs. Bride because she is my housekeeper. Housekeepers are always 'Mrs.' But what you've got to do is to wear them down," said the Honorable John Ruffin with decision.

"I've been wearing them down for months, don't you know; but it doesn't seem to come off," said