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tennis. She can appeal to the police, too. There were no police, to speak of, to appeal to in the day of romance," said the Honorable John Ruffin in a tone of regret.

"I wish I could carry her off," said Captain Croome.

"Still, you might surreptitiously persuade her to run away with you. Get a special license, and any parson can marry you anywhere. There's a very good church over the way. Why not use it? No one would look for you there—if the Tullislaiths pursue. The thing is to persuade and be ready," said the Honorable John Ruffin.

"Good man! I'll do it," cried Captain Croome. Then his face fell; and he added: "But I say, isn't there something about being of age when you get married? Grizel is only nineteen and a half."

"Then on the old Jesuit principle that the end justified the means, you will have to raise her age in getting that license to twenty-one and a half. Of course, this renders you liable to prosecution for false entry. But no true lover would let prison stand between him and wedlock," said the Honorable John Ruffin enthusiastically.