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"If it was for Grizel, I'd stick it out," said Captain Croome simply. "But all the same, I shan't persuade her to bolt with me in one letter or in two. She's been so strictly brought up. It'll need a lot of writing to do it; and writing ain't my strong point. But it's got to be done. Will you lend me your little housekeeper to work the letter racket?"

"Only after bacon hours," said the Honorable John Ruffin.

"Bacon hours?" said Captain Croome with a puzzled air.

"In spite of her red hair, or, perhaps, because of it, Mrs. Bride is the one person in London who can grill bacon as bacon should be grilled. She must not leave here till after breakfast," said the Honorable John Ruffin with unabated firmness.

"That's all right," said Captain Croome with some relief. "There's nothing doing before breakfast. Grizel walks in Kensington Gardens from eleven to twelve every morning. That's the time to work it."

"But how is Mrs. Bride going to deliver your letters?"

"It isn't going to be an easy job," said Captain