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she's beginning to think how nice it would be if she could. If you write the right kind of letters, you'll make it seem nicer than ever, and at last she'll see that it's her duty to put you out of your misery."

Captain Croome looked at him with admiration, and said: "No one would ever think you were a gentleman, Ruffin; you do know such a lot. But the nuisance is, I'm not much of a hand at writing letters; I can't ever get down exactly what I mean."

The Honorable John Ruffin regarded him with a thoughtful frown; then he said: "Well, of course I can't be expected to know your exact feelings, but I might be able to give you a tip or two."

"By Jove! If you would!" cried his friend.

"Well, when I've finished my breakfast, we'll see about it. But of course it's very difficult to know another man's feelings exactly. Still I know Lady Grizel; and that's very important. I can guess pretty well what she'd like you to say; and of course the way to a woman's heart is to say what she wants to hear," said the Honorable John Ruffin sententiously.

"You're a rum beggar, Ruffin," said Captain Croome in a tone of admiration.