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"Thank you for the tribute," said the Honorable John Ruffin gravely.

He continued his breakfast in his usual leisurely fashion; and there was a sore struggle between the politeness and the impatience of Captain Croome. His politeness won, for he felt that his friend would permit no attempt to curtail that leisurely meal. Any such attempt would probably cause him to lengthen it.

But at last it came to an end; the Honorable John Ruffin lighted a cigar; and they betook themselves to their task. Slowly and surely they composed and wrote a brief, but melting letter.

When he had signed it, Captain Croome set down the pen, and said, in a tone of awe: "By Jove! That's perfectly ripping!"

"A few like that ought to soften Lady Grizel's stern resolution," said the Honorable John Ruffin dispassionately.

"Rather," said Captain Croome.

"When I do a thing—not that I often do—I like to do it thoroughly. Besides, I do hate that old Tullislaith cat," said the Honorable John Ruffin with real feeling.