Page:Jesuit Education.djvu/698

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jesuit education

Imitation exercises, 500 sqq.

Impartiality of teacher, 612, 619—622.

India (East), Jesuit writers, 151—182; colleges, 206, 216.

Individuality, 317 sqq.; and Jesuit training, 367 note 1, 425 — 429.

Intellectual scope of education, 297 sqq., 316, 322 sqq.;

liberty, 136 note 2, 251—253, 270—271, 489.

Interpretation, see "Prelection."

Ireland, monastic schools, 26; modern Jesuit colleges, 213 — 216.

Italy, education, see "Humanism."?

Jäger, Dr., 351, 371.

Jansenists, 164, 174.

Janssen, 23 sqq., and passim.

Jesuits, see Society of Jesus, Constitutions, Ratio Studiorum, Colleges, Teachers, Writers, Pupils, Opposition.

Jogues, Jesuit in New York, 201—202.

Jones, President of Hobart College, 307, 321, 339, 541 note.

Jourdain, 182—184, 270—271.

Jouvancy, (Juvencius), Jesuit educator, 162, 164, 248, 331, 353, 362, 377, 882, 383 — 385, 387, 400, 434 — 438,, 447, 453, 454, 461, 467 sqq., 484 — 485, 502, 548, 565, 600, 610, 622, 624 — 625, 634, 637; his educational treatise: Ratio Discendi et Docendi, 162, 163 note 1, 434 — 435.

Jullien, Jesuit scientist, 232.

Juniorate, 422, 431 sqq.

Kant, 824, 513, 643.

Kemp, E. L., 10 note, 513, 652—653.

Kempis, Thomas a, 31, 382, 322, 527, 610.

Kepler, astronomer, on Jesuit writers, 657.

Kern, Professor, 531.

Ketteler, Bishop, 241, 534.

Kino (Ktihn), Jesuit missionary and geographer, 129.

Kircher, Jesuit scholar, 157 — 158; Museo Kircheriano, 158, 226.

Knecht, Bishop, 592—593.

Kohlmann, Jesuit in New York, 202.

König, Jesuit writer, 127.

Körner, 585—536.

Kreiten, Jesuit writer, 236.

Kropf, Jesuit educator, 121 sqq., 126, 163, 448, 548, 610, and passim.

Kübler, Dr., 290, 510.

Kugler, Jesuit scholar. 236.

Labbe, Jesuit historian, 128, 160, 448 note.

La Cerda, Jesuit philologist, 162, 163.

Ladevèze, M. de, on Jesuits, 267, 609.

La Flèche, Jesuit College, 168, 484.

Lainez, General of the Society, 79, 101.

Lalande, 179, 180, 186.

Lang, Andrew, 265.

Lang, Jesuit writer, 165.

La Rue (Ruaeus), Jesuit philologist, 163-164.