Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/198

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And the answer would be trumpeted back, "Many went over the water to-day, and were let in at the golden gates."

At length Christiana and her children, being much refreshed, went a little farther on their way. And now their ears were filled with heavenly sounds, and their eyes were delighted with celestial visions. In this place they heard nothing, saw nothing, smelled nothing, tasted nothing, but what was pleasing to their hearts and minds.

In this place the children went freely into the King's gardens and gathered sweet-smelling flowers. Here also grew all kinds of trees that are precious for their perfumes and their spices. So the rooms of the pilgrims, while they stayed there, lacked nothing for fragrance and beauty. And they bathed and anointed themselves, and kept themselves in readiness for the call to go over the river.

Now, one day, as they were waiting for the good hour, a sound was heard as of music and voices. And some one who was watching cried, "A postman has come from the Celestial City with matter of great importance for Christiana."