Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/199

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She, therefore, went to the door to see what it was. The postman greeted her, and gave her the letter; and when she had broken the seal, she opened and read it:

"Hail, good woman! I bring thee tidings that the Master calls thee. Within these ten days, he expects thee to come and stand before him, clothed in garments of immortality."

When Christiana had read the letter, and knew that her time was come, she called for Greatheart, the guide, and told him how matters were.

He answered that he was heartily glad of her good fortune, and that he would have been even more glad had the summons come for himself.

Then she asked how she should prepare for her journey, and what she should do while crossing the river.

Very kindly he told her, saying, "Thus and thus it must be; and we that are left behind will go with you to the river side."

She called for her children and gave them her blessing. She told them how glad she was that they had kept their garments so white; and she cautioned them to be always faithful, waiting for the summons to go