Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/40

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where I hope to be delivered. I have been told that the way lies through this gate; therefore, I ask if you are willing to let me in."

"I am willing with all my heart," said Good-will; and with that he opened the gate.

Graceless stepped in, but not fast enough for Good-will, who took him by the arm and pulled him quickly.

"Why did you do that?" asked the man.

Then Good-will told him that there was a castle full of wicked giants on the hillside near by, and that often when these giants saw a man about to enter the wicket gate they would shoot at him with their arrows. In this way many persons had been killed before they could enter in.

"How glad I am that I am here!" said Graceless; "and yet I tremble from the dangers I have passed through!"

"Who sent you here?" asked Good-will.

"A good man, called Evangelist," was the answer. "He told me to knock, and he said that you would show me what to do to be delivered from this heavy burden."

"Why did you come alone?" asked Good-will.

"Because none of my neighbors would come. They did not see their danger as I saw mine."