Page:John Bunyan's Dream Story.djvu/41

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"Did any one know of your coming?"

"Oh, yes. My wife and children saw me start, and they called after me to come back. Some of my friends saw me and followed me a little way."

"And did you come straight hither?"

"Alas, no! for I listened to the words of Mr. Worldly Wiseman and was persuaded to turn aside into a dangerous way."

"Oh, did he meet you? And I suppose he advised you to seek ease from Mr. Legality, did he not?"

"He did," answered Graceless, "and I foolishly listened to his advice."

"Well, Mr. Wiseman is a cheat, and so is Mr. Legality," said Good-will. "What did Mr. Legality say?"

"I went by the broad road to find him," said Graceless; "but the mountain which stands by his house was about to fall upon me, and I was forced to stop."

"That mountain has been the death of many, and it was lucky that you escaped," said Good-will.

"Indeed, I should have perished had not Evangelist met me there. He turned my feet again into the narrow way, and my face toward the shining light. And now I am come, unworthy as I am, into this place. How kind you were to open the gate for me!"