Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/109

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Purposes, Apr. 4.

1. To rise at eight, or as soon as I can.

2. To read the Scriptures.

3. To study religion.

Almighty God, by thy merciful continuance of my life, I come once more to commemorate the sufferings and death of thy Son Jesus Christ, and to implore that mercy which for his sake thou shewest to sinners. Forgive me my sins, O Lord, and enable me to forsake them. Ease, if it shall please thee, the anxieties of my mind, and relieve the infirmities of my Body. Let me not be disturbed by unnecessary terrours, and let not the weakness of age make me unable to amend my life. O Lord, take not from me thy Holy Spirit, but receive my petitions, succour and comfort me, and let me so pass the remainder of my days, that when thou shalt call me hence I may enter into eternal happiness through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Aug. 7, 1779. Partem brachii dextri carpo proximam et cutem pectoris circa mamillam dextram rasi, ut notum fieret quanto temporis pili renovarentur *.


September 18, I779> h-p.m. 12 ma.

Almighty God, Creator of all things in whose hands are Life and death, glory be to thee for thy mercies, and for the pro longation of my Life to the common age of Man. Pardon me, O gracious God, all the offences which in the course of seventy years I have committed against thy holy Laws, and all negli gences of those Duties which thou hast required. Look with pity upon me, take not from me thy Holy Spirit, but enable me

1 Life, iii. 398. ' I shaved the part the right breast so that it might be of my right arm that is next to the seen how long it would take for the wrist and the skin of my chest round hair to grow again.'


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