Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/110

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92 Prayers and Meditations.

to pass the days which thou shalt yet vouchsafe to grant me, in thy Fear and to thy Glory ; and accept O Lord, the remains of a mispent life, that when Thou shalt call me to another state, I may be received to everlasting happiness for the sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Epsom x .

My Purpose is to communicate at least thrice a year 2 .

To study the Scriptures.

To be diligent.

On the 17th, Mr. Chamier took me away with him from Streatham. I left the servants a guinea for my health, and was content enough to escape into a house where my Birth-day not being known could not be mentioned 3 . I sat up till midnight was past, and the day of a new year, a very awful day, began. I prayed to God, who had [safely brought me to the beginning of another year], but could not perfectly recollect the prayer, and supplied it 4 . Such desertions of memory I have always had 5 .

When I rose on the i8th, I think I prayed again, then walked with my Friend into his grounds. When I came back after some time passed in the library, finding myself oppressed by sleepiness I retired to my chamber, where, by lying down, and a short imperfect slumber I was refreshed, and prayed as the night before.

1 He was at the house of Andrew that of our friend, Dr. Johnson, the Chamier, a member of the Literary i;th and 1 8th of September, we every Club, at this time Under- Secretary year made up a little dance and sup- of State. Life, i. 478, and Letters, per to divert our servants and their ii. 109, n. I. friends.' Piozzi's Anecdotes, p. 211.

2 Apparently in most years he only See ante, p. 67.

communicated on Easter Sunday. 4 He could not perfectly recollect

Two years later he still has ' hope of his ' accommodation ' of the prayer

participation of the Sacrament at (ante, p. 32) and supplied the defi-

least three times a year.' Post, p. 100. ciency by other words.

It would seem that before his wife's 5 'JOHNSON. "Memory will play

death he had not always communi- strange tricks. One sometimes loses

cated at Easter. Ante, p. 78, and a single word. I once lo&tjfuguces in

post, p. 98. the Ode Posthume, Posthume? ' Life,

3 ' On the birthday of our eldest v. 68. daughter/ writes Mrs. Piozzi, 'and

I then

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