Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/90

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72 Prayers and Meditations.

^Reformation is necessary and despair is criminal. I try in

^ humble hope of the help of God.

~~ As my life has from my earliest years been wasted in a morn ing bed my purpose is from Easter day to rise early, not later

than eight.

11 15' p.m. D.j.


Apr. 15, EASTER EVE.

I rose more early than is common after a night disturbed by flatulencies though I had taken so little. I prayed, but my mind was unsettled, and I did not fix upon the book. After the bread and tea I trifled, and about three ordered coffee and bunns for my dinner. I find more faintness and uneasiness in fasting than I did formerly.

While coffee was preparing, Collier 1 came in, a man whom I had not seen for more than twenty years, but whom I consulted about Macky's books. We talked of old friends and past occur rences and eat and drank together.

I then read a little in the Testament, and tried Fiddes's B. of Divinity 2 , but did not settle.

I then went to Evening prayer, and was tolerably composed. At my return I sat awhile, then retired, but found reading un easy.

ii p.m.

These two days in which I fasted, I have not been sleepy, though I rested ill.

��1 According to the Gentleman's tica, 1718-20. He was presented Magazine, 1785, p. 731, Dr. Collier with the living of Halsham in York- of Doctors' Commons ; but he did shire. ' Here he was so unhappy as not die till May 23, 1777 (Letters, ii. to be deprived in a great measure of 69), whereas Johnson records on his speech, till which misfortune he April 7, 1776 (post, p. 73), 'Collier had been admired for the sweetness is dead.' Joseph Collyer, an author, of his voice and the gracefulness of died on Feb. 20, 1776. Gent. Mag. his delivery.' He thereupon *re- 1776, p. 95. solved to apply himself entirely to

2 Richard Fiddes, 1671-1725. His writing.' Bayle's General Dictionary ', Body of Divinity is in two volumes 1737, v. 238. See also Hearne's folio; vol. i is entitled Theologia Remains, ed. 1869, ii. 223. Speculativa ; vol. ii, Theologia Prac-


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