Page:Johnsonian Miscellanies I.djvu/91

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EASTER DAY, Apr. 16, 12 3'.

Almighty God, heavenly Father, whose mercy is over all thy works, look with pity on my miseries and sins. Suffer me to commemorate in thy presence my redemption by thy Son Jesus Christ. Enable me so to repent of my mispent time that I may pass the residue of my life in thy fear and to thy glory. Relieve, O Lord, as seemeth best unto thee, the infirmities of my body, and the perturbations of my mind. Fill my thoughts with awful love of thy Goodness, with just fear of thine Anger, and with humble confidence in thy Mercy. Let me study thy laws, and labour in the duties which thou shalt set before me. Take not from me thy Holy Spirit, but incite in me such good desires as may produce diligent endeavours after thy Glory and my own salvation ; and when, after hopes and fears, and joys and sorrows thou shalt call me hence, receive me to eternal happiness, for the Sake of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Collier is dead 1 . April 7, 1776.

Transcribed from a former book with a slight emendation or two. With that book I parted perhaps unnecessarily by a Catch 2 .


Sept. 18, 1775.

God by whom all things were created and are sustained, who givest and takest away, in whose hands are life and death, accept my imperfect thanks for the length of days which thou hast vouchsafed to grant me, impress upon my mind such repent ance of the time mispent in sinfulness and negligence, that I may obtain forgiveness of all my offences, and so calm my mind and strengthen my resolutions that I may live the remaining part of my life in thy fear, and with thy favour. Take not thy Holy Spirit from me, but let me so love thy laws, and so obey them, that I may finally be received to eternal happiness, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 Ante, p. 72. that caught hold of him. Dr. Murray

2 I do not know in what sense he in the New English Dictionary gives uses this word. Perhaps he means by as one of its significations, * a catch- a sudden impulse, or by some scruple ing or entangling question.'


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