Page:Jolly miller of Dee.pdf/4

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( 6 )

Then firſt my eyes this mild had ſeen,
I thought I ſaw each comely feature,
That did adorn the Grecian Queen,
that miracle of human nature.
Of ſtature ſhe is middle ſize,
her ſpeeches are all art beguiling,
Like diamonds bright appear her eyes,
and nature ſmiles when ſhe is smiling.

Her wit and beauty doth ſurpaſs
the faireſt nymph in all the nation,
Her eloquence I can’t expreſs
with pen and ink in this narration,
Her wit and beauty doth excel,
her carriage it is moſt inviting,
Within her ſnow-white breaſt doth dwell
an eaſy temper moſt delighting.

But words doth fail to ſpeak her praiſe,
and pens cannot deſcribe her graces.
Therefore in ſilence I’ll proclaim
expreſſively to ſpeak her praiſes.
But only this I muſt declare,
my heart by her was captivated,
And while her love I ſought to {hare,
theſe words by her I heard related.