Page:Jolly miller of Dee.pdf/5

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care for nobody, no, not I,
I if nobody cares for me.

The reaſon of your happineſs
I would be glad to know,
Quoth Ralph, I’ll tell your Lordſhip
part of it before you go:
pay my rent at quarter-day
(illegible text) my mind is ever free;
(illegible text)care for nobody, no, hot I,
if nobody cares-for me.

Thrice happy thou, who thus content,
can ever merry be;
My whale eſtate I’d freely give,
I to be as content as thee.
Ralph, finding, ſhook his head, and ſaid.
My Lord, that cannot be;
Your Lordſhip cares for ſomebody,
and ſomebody cares for thee.

low can you ſay ſo, good Miller?
I pray thee tell to me;
Ind if you rightly me inſtruct,
ten thouſand ſhall be your fee:
This ſum I’ll give, as ſure’s I live,
immediately unto thee,
When I can ſay, oh! happy day!
I care for nobody.