Page:Jolly miller of Dee.pdf/7

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( 7 )

Your timeleſs love I muſt deny,
and give to you a full rejection,
Altho’ to you confeſs muſt I,
you once had part in my affection:
But now my heart engag’d have I,
to one who courted not ſo ſlowly.
Therefore your ſuit I muſt deny,
and all becauſe of backward folly.

At hearing this I can’t aver
what ſorrow then my heart was under
To think my rival Maſter R——
ſhould part my love and me aſſunder
O then too late 1 did reflect
that I was to myſelf ſo cruel.
That e’er ſo long I did neglect
to aſk the love of my dear jewel.

But ſince it’s ſo that I muſt be
deprived of my deareſt jewel.
I'll wiſh them both great unity,
may fortune ne'er to them prove cr
Yea, all the pleaſures of this life,
nr heart doth wifh to be attending
Both the huſband and the wife,
while Hymen’s band they are out(illegible text)

By A.S.