Page:Jolly miller of Dee.pdf/8

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Blythe Sandy is a bonny boy,
And always is a-wooing O!
Nor is he e’er too bold or coy,
Aitho’ he is ſo loving O!
O dear! to wed me, he confeſs’d,
The Caledonian Laddie O!
My bonny, bonny Highland boy.
My Caledonian Laddie O!

The maidens try, baith far and near.
To gain young Sandy over O I
But a' their arts I dinna fear,
He winna prove a rover O!
For fure he told me, frank and free,
Unkend to dad or mammy O!
He'd marry me, ah! nane but me,’
The Caledonian Laddie O!

The tither day frae Dundee fair,
He brought me hame a bonnet O!
cap, and ribbons for my hair.
But mark what ſoon came on it O!
s late at kirk we ſomehow flood,
In ſpite of mam or daddy O!
married me, (illegible text) I could,
The Caied nisn Laddie O!

F I N I S.