Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/328

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302 NOTES ON THE INDEX KEWENSIS. former information only nomina nuda, and are only valid from the date of identification by another author, e. g. Pulcheria Noronha 1790 n. n. cannot replace Kadsura Juss. 1810 "Kaempfer." I do not know whence Mr. Jackson took the identifications of these names of Noronha, and shall write till better information : Pulcheria Jackson 1895 "Norh. n. n."— Kadsura Juss. 1810 "Kaempf." I may give other Addenda et Emendanda to the Kew Index in 3 lists. 1. 115 GENERA-NAMES OMITTED, ALTHOUGH TO BE VALID BY PRIORITY. Aalius Rumph.* 1748, Lam. 1783 Encycl. 1:1 = Sauropus Bl. 1825. AbutUodes Sieg. 1736 = Modiola Moench 1794. Acetosella Moehr. 1736 = Oxalis L. 1737. Achyrodes Boehm. 1760 = Lamarckia Moench 1794. Acidoton P. Br. 1756 = Securinega Juss. 1789. Agastache Gron. 1762 = Lophanthus Ad. 1763, Benth. 1829.f Alga Ludw. 1737, Boehm. 1760 (non al.) = Posidonia Koenig 1806. Anonymos Gron. 1739 = Galax L. 1753. Arodes Fabr. "Heist." 1763 = Richardia Kth. 1818 non L. Aspalathus Amm. 1739 (non L. 1753) = Caragana Lam. 1783. Asphodeliris Moehr. 1736 = Tofieldia Huds. 1778. Asteiicodes Moehr. 1736 = Callistephus Cass. 1825. Asteriscus Sieg. 1736, Mill. ,1737 p.p. max. (non al.) = Odonto- spermum Neck. 1790. Badianifera L. 1749 = Illicium L. 1759. Banisterodes L. 1747* = Xanthophyllum Roxb. 1814. Beluttakalm Ad. 1763 = Chonemorpha Don 1836/7. Boraginella Sieg. 1736 = Trichodesma R. Br. 1810. Bulbocodium Ludw. Mai-June 1737 (non Lin. Oct. 1737) = Romulea Maratti 1772. Cacalia Burm.| 1737 (non al.) = Vernonia Schreb. 1791. Caesalinniodes L. 1788 = Gleditschia L. 1742. Caopia Ad. 1768 = Vismia Vand. 1788. Carthamodes Manetti 1751 = Carduncellus Ad. 1763. Celsia Boehm. 1760 (non al.) = Bulbocodium Lin. Oct. 1737 non Ludw. May-June 1787.

  • I have omitted here all other names of Kumphius to be taken up by

priority (see my Kev. gen. pi. i. p. xxxii) because the Kew Index gives these names only if renewed by other authors. But the Kew Index inconsistently gives first quotations to Lansiuvi Eumph. 1741, Timonius Bumph. 1743, Zalacca Rumph. 1747, and omits all names taken up by Burman 1769 in his Index alter emendatus to Rumphii herbarium amboinense. t The Kew Index indicates Lophanthus Ad. who based on Hyssopus Lophan- thus L. as different from Lophanthus Bth. by error: see for items and more quotations of the names of the above given list my Eev. gen. pi. J The Kew Index omits Nomina seminuda given by Linnaeus and by Bur- man, but only inconsistently ; see e. g. Eugeniodes L., Cornutiodes L., Rihesiodes L. eitc. and Leucas Burm. 1737, Moringa Burm. 1737, Osterdykia Burm. 1738. These Nomina seminuda have the same or more right to become valid as those numerous names preferred in the Kew Index taken up out of Wallich's Numerical list, Roxburgh's Hortus bengalensis and R. Brown's list in Salt's Abyssinia, app.