Page:Journal of botany, British and foreign, Volume 34 (1896).djvu/329

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NOTES ON THE INDEX KEWENStt-'. 30B Centaurodes Moehr. 1736 = Erythraea (Erithrea) Neck. 1790. Ceratocephalus Burm. 1737 = Spilanthes Jacq. 1760. Ceratodes Kramer 1744 = Ceratocarpus L. 1747. Cerinthodes Ludw. 1737 = Mertensia Roth 1797. Chamaedaphne Catesby 1740/3 (non al.) = Kalmia L. 1751. ChamaedryfoUa Dill. 1738 = Forskohlia L. 1764. Chamaejasme Amm. 1739 = Stellera L. 1747 p. p. Chamaeriphes Dill. 1738 = Hyphaene Gaertn. 1788. Chianthemum Sieg. 1736 = Galantlms L. 1737 (1735 n. n.). Christophoriana Burm. 1738 = Knowltonia Salisb. 1796. Cicutana Mill. 1737, Segu. 1745 & Cicutastrum Fabr. 1763 = Molopospermum Koch 1824. Coluteastrum Moehr. 1736, Fabr. 1763 = Lessertia DC. 1802. Corrigiola Moehr. 1736 (non L. 1737) = Illecebrum L. 1737. Cucullaria Kramer 1744 = Callipeltis Stev. 1829. Cunila L. 1759 (non 1737 quae Sideritis L. 1737) = Uedyosmos Mitch. 1748.* Cy7ioglossospermiim Sieg. 1736 = Echinospermum Lehm. 1818 Sw." Vactjjlodes Zan.-Montius 1742 = Tripsacum L. 1759. Dendrorchis Thouars 1809 = Polystachya Hk. 1825. DentUlaria Burm. 1737 = Knoxia L. 1747. Ebenus Burm. 1737 (non L. 1753) = Maba Forst. 1776. Elaterium Ludw. 1737, Mill. 1737 (non Jacq. 1763) = Ecballion Rich. 1825 non L. Emerus Burm. 1737 = Sesbania Ad. 1763. Epidorchis Thouars 1809 = Mystacidium Ldl. 1836 em. Erica Sieg. 1736, L. 1737 (1735 n.n.) = Calluna Salisb. 1802. Encodes Moehr. 1736 •* Heist." = Tetralix Hall. 1742 = Erica L. 1753. Erigerodes L. 1747 = Epaltes Cass. 1818. Gaedawakka L. 1747 = Chaetocarpus Thw. 1854. Gemmingia Fabr. 1759 "Heist." = Belamcanda Ad. 1763. Geraniospermum Sieg. 1736 = Pelargonium Burm. 1738. Graphorchis Thouars 1809 = Eulophus R. Br. 1821 (-ia 1823). Guilandinodes L. 1738 = Schotia Jacq. 1786. Helmiastrum Mill. 1739, Hall. 1745 = Helenium L. 1753, non 1735. Hieraciodes Moehr. 1736, Sieg. 1736 = Crepis L. 1737. Hiercqjicra Sieg. 1736 = Carbenia Ad. 1763. Hydragonum Sieg. 1736 = Cassandra Don 1838. Jacohaea Burm. 1737 = Vicoa Cass. 1829. Jacobaeastrum Manetti 1751 = Euryops Cass. 1818. Japanindiba Ad. 1763 = Gustavia L. f. 1775.

  • Although I showed that Cunila L. 1737 and 1759 are 2 different genera,

that of 1737 reduced by Linnaeus himself to Sideritis and that of 1759 only based on Hedyosmos Mitch, by changing merely that name, the Kew Index did not take notice of it ; moreover the Kew Index brings another puzzle copied out of Pfeiffer's Nomenclator that Hedyosmos Mitch, be the Kubiacea Ziziph 'lora '. I f See my Kev. gen. pi. 519-520. A crowd of such puzzles could have been elimi- nated from the Kew Index, if the Kew staff and Mr. Jackson had properly used my Eev. gen. pi.