Page:Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal Vol 7, Part 2.djvu/163

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Grammar of the Panjdbi Language.

First Second Third Fourth Fifth Maig beg or Tug beg oreg Thou art Tuai ho or o O heg Or e Maig haidg or I was Tug haiseg or Thou Wert sàeg o haul at or Main bund .g I was being Au hued. sbg We were being Tan bundà sàeg Thou wert being Tusi hunde aã,o You were being Ohundsl Maig hoyI sn I had been Au boye sig Tâ. hovL sàeg Thou hadat been Tusi hoye sI,o You had been o hovâ at Maig howangâ I shall he Au howânge ‘F üg howeugi Thou shalt be Tuui hovoge Ohevegà CONJUGATION OP ma Auxussny Van.. Indicative Mood. Present Tense. lam Asibànorg Ho Ohaiuoraig They are He was 0 haisip or Imperfect Past Tense. He was being 0 hunde d They’ were being Pluperfect Past Tense. He had been 0 hoye sii Future Tense. He shall be Ohoange Imperative Mood. Tusi hovo or vo chagwIg stwg nwIg daswàg We are You are They were We had been They had been We shall be You shall be They shall be We may be You may be They may be We had been You had been They had been been We speak Thou speakest Tusi .ikhde,o You speak They speak Ordinal Number.. pahlI dujjI, dusrà tlsr, ti1j chauth panjwàg Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Perfect Past Tense. Asi haisàg or abe We were Tad huiaào or abe You were Tughooro Bethou Beyou The negative imperative is formed by prefixing us. Subjunctive Mood. The relative conjunction (harf i shart of the Arabians) is ezpremed by je (if) and the correlative conjunction (harf i jam) by tag then. Present Tense. I may be Asi hoviye Thou mayst be Tusi hovo lie may be 0 howan Perfect Past Tense. I had been Asi hunde or Thou hadet been Tusi hunde Tug hundog Main howâg Thj hoveg o hove Main hundàg hund Ohunda Hehud been Ohunde Past Participle. (Lam i znahftil) hoyã Verbal Noun. (turn i fail) honewala be,er Infinitive Mood. (Masdar) ho to be Maifl akhna Tiui akhnuig 0 akhdai CONJUGATION op ma VERB A’klsnd, To spasi. (Masculine.) Present Tense. I speak Asi akhnyIg He speaks 0 bkhdeq